Chapter 5

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The last three days had gone by in a blur. It had almost seemed that Delia hadn't had a single minute for herself. 

On Sunday she had worked from nine to eight, after which she had ordered food and studied for an upcoming test. Then on Monday she had classes the entire day and had to work the closing shift at the aquarium. Lastly, on Tuesday, she had to work as well as study for the exam. 

But now it was Wednesday, she had had the exam, which had gone well, thank you for asking and she could finally somewhat relax. She still had to work the closing shift, but she didn't really mind. This day had been particularly quiet and there really wasn't much to do. All she had to do was wait for the cleaning crew to finish and then lock off the building, easy peasy. 

So here she was, sitting in the breakroom, playing on her phone. 

"Look's like you're being useful," Damian said chuckling as he walked into the room. 

"I'm very useful," Delia replied, "I'm the one with the keys." 

"True very true"

"So are you done for the day?" Delia asked putting her phone on the table. 

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna head home." He replied, "I've got a busy day tomorrow."

"Alright, good luck then," Delia said, "See you Friday."

"See ya Friday!" He yelled over his shoulder right before the door fell closed behind him. 

Delia looked at her watch which read: 20:34. Meaning that she would have a little bit less than an hour before the cleaning crew would finish. She sighed as she looked around the room, trying to find something to kill the time. When she didn't see anything she decided to stroll around the building. 

She started walking without really having a destination, her intention was just to roam around. Somehow however she found herself in front of the doors to the 'View of the Ocean' room. Slowly her hand encased the metal door handle as she carefully opened it. 

The lights in the room were already off, seeing as the cleaning crew had already been there. She immediately turned to the glass wall on her right, staring out into the water. It was now fully dark, the only light entering from the outside through the water. Carefully she stepped towards it until her nose was nearly pressed against the glass. 

For the past couple of days, she had kept seeing something in the water, something green. At first, she rationalized that it probably was the stone that Janet talked about. But when she saw it again after they'd removed the stone she realized that that hadn't been it. 

So now here she was trying to figure out what she saw. 

Today, however, today she saw something completely different. First, she wasn't sure whether her eyes were tricking her or if she really saw what she thought she saw. But it looked like there was a man in the water, hanging still only a few feet away from the glass. He just hung there motionless. 

Not quite sure what to do she banged on the glass with her fist, "Hey!" She yelled loudly, trying to see if he was conscious. When he didn't respond she tried so once more before she ran over to the stairs next to the glass wall. Quickly she made her way to the door at the top of it. Jamming her keys into the lock as quickly as she could she opened the outside door and stept into the cool night air. 

From here she couldn't see the man anymore, but she just knew that he was still there. Acting fast she undressed and jumped into the water. 

The water stung her eyes as she looked around trying to see find the man. Before she could see him however she needed to get up for oxygen. As she swam back to the top she noticed the green thing from the corner of her eye. Turning her head she trying to see the source, but yet again it was gone before could see what it was. The only extra information that she got about it was that it was bigger then she'd imagined. 

Once she reached the surface she gasped for air, grabbing a hold of the rocks beside the water. She took a couple of deep breaths readying herself to dive down once more. But she was stopped when a hand grabbed her hand. 

"What are you doing?!" Damian exclaimed, trying to pull her out of the water. 

Startled Delia looked up at him, "I..." She started to say, but she couldn't catch her breath. 

"Come on get out of the water, this is not a good idea." Damian said pulling her fully out of the water. 

"I saw someone, I saw someone floating in the water, we need to help him." Delia got out as she sat on the rocks. 

"Someone in the water?" Damian asked, taking off his jacket and putting it around her shoulders. 

Delia didn't reply but profusely nodded. 

Damian leaned over the edge and peered into the water, trying to see the man. "I don't see anything, it's too dark. Are you sure?"

"Yes." Delia said, having finally caught her breath. 

While Damian focussed on the water Delia started putting on her clothes again. 

"We'll take a look from the inside, turn on the exterior lights." He said walking over to the door. 

The two of them walked back into the room and looked out into the water. This time however there was nothing...

"What?" Delia said utterly confused. 

"Let's see if we see something with the lights," Damian said turning the underwater lights on. Suddenly many fish quickly swam away, but there was no man. " I don't see anything." He said, still staring into the water. 

"But I was sure I saw someone," Delia said staring into the water as well. 

"Are you really sure?" He said turning his head towards her with a concerned look on his face. 

"Yes!" She exclaimed, "Else I wouldn't have jumped into that cold water!" 

"Calm down, I believe you." He said putting his hands on her shoulders. "I believe you thought you saw a man out there. I mean it's too dark to clearly see out there anyway." 

Delia sighed in frustration, knowing that he thought that she made it up. 

"You're just lucky that I came back for my earpods." He said as he turned the lights off again. 

"Why?" Delia said as she locked the outside door. 

"Who else would have pulled you out of the water?" He said throwing her a cheeky smile. 

Delia huffed, "Well I would have been perfectly fine to pull myself out of the water, thank you very much." 

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