Chapter 19

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When Delia arrived at her apartment building she noticed that she had received a second text from Gabriel. 

I was wondering if you had time tomorrow, to show me around?

She smiled at her phone as she walked through the doors of her building and up the stairs. 

Hey Gabriel! I do! It just depends on what time?  She sent back before placing her phone in her purse again. 

Before she reached her apartment however she heard it buzz. 

How about you show me a good place for lunch?

Delia let out, what she would consider, a way to girlish giggle at that. 

That I can do :) , where do you want to meet?  

Putting her phone away once more she retrieved the key from her purse and opened her door. Once inside she promptly walked over to the couch and sat down next to Oliva. 

"You're back early." She said, her eyes not leaving her phone screen. 

"Yeah..." Delia said as she felt her phone buzz, "Damian helped me close up." 

As she pulled her phone out of her purse once more she noticed that Gabriel had replied to her. 

Maybe at the aquarium? 

A smile graced her face as Delia texted back, 

Sounds like a plan, see you there at 12:30?

Before she could even put her phone away it buzzed once more. 

Perfect :) I'll see you tomorrow!

Immediately she texted back, 

See you tomorrow! 

"Something has gotten you in a good mood," Oliva said with a smirk on her face. 

Delia put her phone away as she looked up at her roommate. "Oh, it's nothing..." 

"Oh, it's not nothing," Olivia said as she got up from the couch, "That look on your face tells me it something alright." 

Olivia moved over to the kitchen and started pouring water in the kettle, "Do you want tea as well?" She asked to which Delia nodded. 

"So..." Olivia started as she put on the kettle and turned back around.

"So what?" Delia said staring at her from the couch. 

"So what's his name?" 

Delia's eyes went wide as she stared at her roommate, not responding to her question.

"I knew it!" Olivia exclaimed pointing her hand at Delia, "I just knew it had to be a guy, so tell me everything! What's his name? What does he look like, how did you meet?"

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you," Delia said moving her hands in a, calm down, motion. "His name is Gabriel, he's very handsome and we met at the aquarium some time ago. I ran into him this morning and he asked me if I could show him around as he is new here." 

A squeal left Olivia's mouth, "Oh my god, so he asked you out?!" 

"Calm down!" Delia said laughing, "He didn't ask me out, he asked me to show him around."

"Oh, you'll show him around alright." 

"Olivia!" Delia exclaimed with an incredulous look on her face, "That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Alright, alright, so when and where are you two gonna meet?"

"Tomorrow, 12:30 at the aquarium." Delia said playing with her hair, "Then I'm going to show him a good place for lunch." 

"So it is a date!" Olivia said right as the kettle dinged, signalling that the water was boiling.

"Maybe..." Delia said softly as she smiled. 

Olivia shook her head as she poured the boiling water in two mugs, "It's so a date." 

Delia looked up at her and chuckled, "We'll see... So how was your day?" 

"Well." Oliva started as she proceeded to tell Delia all about her day as they drunk their tea together. The two sat on their couch laughing for a couple of hours until they realized that they should probably be heading to bed. 

Delia sighed as she placed her mug on the kitchen counter.

"What's wrong?" Oliva asked, turning on the faucet to clean the mugs.

"Oh it's nothing," Delia said moving over to grab a towel. "I was just thinking about taking a bath, but then I remembered my new problem."

"Ah..." Olivia said, "That's understandable... But it did go away last time, so why not just go and take a bath?"

Delia sighed once more, "But what if this time it doesn't?" 

Olivia then turned to face Delia, "You know what?" Delia said, "We should research this whole thing." 

Delia's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"Well, we'll take you to a secluded beach, and see what happens. You know, see if you'll turn back if you can breathe underwater etc." 

"And yet again, what if I don't turn back?" Delia said as she finished drying the mugs. 

"Then you'll have a lovely life as a sea creature." 

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