Chapter 7

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"Goodmorning," Delia said, walking up to the boat. 

"Goodmorning," Damian replied, looking up from what he was doing. "I see you brought coffee." He added, eyeing the coffee she was holding. 

"Yeah." She said chuckling, as she removed the sunglasses she was wearing, "I thought you'd appreciate it." 

"That I do," Damian said walking over to her. 

He grabbed her hand and helped her aboard the ship. "You can put the coffee over there and your bag in that chest." He said pointing at a desk and a chest that lay underneath it. 

"Thank you." She said putting her stuff away. "So what is the plan?" She asked, looking over his shoulder. 

"Well..." He said working on his computer. "We're going to go here." He pointed at a location on the map that lay before him. "And then we're going to do a few measurements." He paused for a moment, "There is however a minor problem, right now it's pretty windy and chances are it's gonna get worse." 

"Is that bad?" 

"Well as long as the weather stays the same we'll be fine, but there is a slight chance of a storm rolling in." He replied looking up at the sky.

"Let's hope that it doesn't." She said, Now is there anything that I can help with?" 

"Not at the moment no." He said closing the laptop. "Right now I'm just gonna get some final things ready and then we'll leave in a couple of minutes. 

"Okay," Delia said nodding, sipping her coffee. 

Sometime later they had reached the location that he had indicated on the map and he had shut off the engine. 

"Alright, we're here." He said moving away from the helm. "Now you can help me." 

"What can I do?" She replied getting up from her seat. 

"Well do you see that chest over there." He pointed behind him. 

Delia turned around trying to spot the chest that he meant. 

"Not the one you put your stuff in, but the one next to it." He added looking over his shoulder. 

"Ah this one." Delia said spotting it and opening it. "Alright, what do you need?"

"The camera and the chain."

She rummaged through the contents of the chest before finding both of the items. "Found it." She yelled over before handing it over to him. 

"Okay, so now we lower this into the water." He said attaching the chain to the camera and lowering it into the water. 

"And then?"

"Well using this and the other equipment we make some measurements." He said, standing up and walking back towards the laptop. 

"Cool," Delia said sitting on the edge of the boat. 

"Yeah that's something different from  Psychology isn't it?" He said chuckling. 

"It sure is," Delia replied laughing.

A couple of hours went by as Damian focussed on the measurements. Delia, on the other hand, helped him and entertained herself by playing with the water. At some point, she looked at the sky and noticed some dark clouds rolling in. 

"Would that be the storm you mentioned before?" She said pointing up at the sky. 

"What?" Damian asked, looking up from his screen. "Oh shit..." He muttered closing his laptop, "Yeah that's what I meant..." 

"So what do we do now?" Delia asked as the wind started to pick up, causing her hair to whip around her face. 

"Uhm..." Damian muttered walking over to her. "Well in a view minutes the last measurement should be ready. I'd say we wait for that and then pack up and leave." 

"Do we have time for that?" Delia asked throwing a concerned look at rapidly darkening sky. 

"Let's start packing up what we already can." Damian said nodding. 

Quickly they started packing up everything but the tools that were still measuring. While they were working the wind started to get worse, and the sea got restless. At first, the boat softly rocked from side to side, but now it violently shook. 

"God damn it." Damian shouted over the wind, "I really underestimated this..." 

"Are the measurements done?!" Delia shouted back pointing over to the chain that still hung into the water. 

"Yeah, let's pack those up as well." He yelled back, moving towards the other equipment. 

Delia started to pull the chain out of the water as fast as she could. Before she got it out of the water the boat violently shook causing her to lose her balance. Right as she was about to topple overboard she steadied herself again. A sigh of relief left her mouth as out of nowhere the boat shook again. This time however she couldn't catch herself as she was flung overboard. 

"Delia!" Damian screamed rushing over to the place where was standing. 

While she felt herself falling she tried to desperatly hold onto the chain she was holding, but the force caused her to let it go. 

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