Chapter 4

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hey guys! im so so so sorry about the very late upload! i was away for a week over christmas and had so much going on with family so i got to be by myself to write this story very little but its finally here :)

thanks for reading guys :) if u want to be any of the guys girlfriends message me and i will message u back if u were first. the boys that are/will be taken are Harry and Niall :)

love you xx


I didn’t think this was possible, too really like a guy that I haven’t even known for a day. He is so gorgeous; ever since we kissed I can’t stop looking at him! Harry Styles is my boyfriend; I didn’t think that was possible. HARRY FREAKIN STYLES IS MINE! What would mum say if she were here, she is probably looking down on me now smiling her perfect smile, I can’t wait to tell dad. He will be thrilled for me!

I looked up into Harry’s eyes. He looked down at me and smiled.

“We should probably go inside; everyone saw I could hear them. Do u want to go in?” I asked Harry.

“Yeah babe, I saw them too. Sure, let’s go.” He laughed

I shuffled away from Harry as he tried to get up. He looked at me and smirked,

“I was going to carry you in bridal style but fine then.” He pouted at me.

“Well, I thought we should just walk in without Louis trying to throw up.” I pointed out.

“Yeah that’s true. Good thinking.”

Harry stood up and offered his hands, I took his offer and he pulled me up. He pulled me close and his nose brushed mine, he slowly leaned in and we kissed passionately. Well, I could get very used to this.

As we walked inside, I saw the neatly made beds and everything set out perfect and ready for a sleepover. Even the food was sitting in the middle of the beds on a little table. Wow, whoever did this is a genius. I think my surprise showed because Louis cracked up laughing and couldn’t stop. I looked at Harry and he looked back at me and then shrugged. When Louis had finally controlled his laughter he told me that while I was busy snogging, he made the beds and got everything ready because he knew for sure that either me, Harry, Allie or the other boys would do it after the excitement that just unfolded. Well that was partly true.

We all sat in a circle on the beds and watched Louis look around the house looking so bored. After 10 minutes of us just staring and him just looking around I gave in.

“LOUIS! Ok I get it you’re bored. What do you want to do?” I asked knowing full well that his brain has so many evil plans you can never keep up with it.

“How about hide and seek?” Louis asked all of us. I turned to Allie and she violently shook her head, I knew why.

“No, we don’t want to move.” I said trying to sound lazy.

“Ok then, what about spin the bottle?”

“Uh no. I don’t want to kiss boys! EWWWWW!! Louis why are you so gross?” Liam asked with disgust is his voice.

“Well, it’s better when you are the only guy with a heap of chicks.” He pointed out.

Oh, gross. Louis has had too much experience I don’t even want to know. I thought to myself as my disgusted face showed. Harry noticed and whispered in my ear,

“Yeah, Louis has had his own fun. But don’t worry we didn’t know him when he did that!”

“Ok how about we play something clean and fun! Not anything that involves kissing other dudes!” Zayn spoke my mind.

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