Author's Notes:

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Hi everyone and thank you for choosing this story to read! Before I get into the details behind the plot and characters, I just wanted to let all of you know that this is my very first story that I have written on Wattpad. In the past, I have read numerous fanfictions and found such an interest in them and how readers were so engaged in the comments section. With that being said, I felt such a "community" within Wattpad and I was inspired to start putting into words some of the many story ideas that I have constantly been creating in my mind.

I am not exactly sure how this will go forward into the future, but I hope that you all enjoy it!


This story is based in New York City, where you, the reader, are the main character. You are a driven 25-year-old Public Relations Manager whose personality has always attracted numerous people to your inner circle. However, no matter how many people or "best friends" you have made along with your professional life, nothing compares to the friendship you have carried with your long-time friend, Shoshanna Sackler. Since you were 5 years old, you and Shoshanna have always been tied at the hip. Your moms were best friends from their high school days and lived down the street from each other in Massachusetts. Shoshanna's mom even has pictures of all three of you for family trips, school graduations, and even taking bubble baths together as toddlers. However, your family situation growing up was very unstable, which probably resulted in why you were so close to the Sackler family in the first place.

As time went on, you became really good friends with Shoshana's brother, Adam, whom you always felt comfortable with, even though he was five years older than you. Shoshanna never questioned your close friendship with her brother and never thought that you would ever be the least attracted to him. It wasn't until 7 years after graduating high school and after Shoshanna telling you that Adam would be moving to New York City for work, that you found yourself reliving old memories of you and Adam. You find yourself twisted up in old habits that result in hurting those closest to you. The problem is nobody, not even your best friend, knew that you and Adam's "friendship" was never the same after choosing to go to college far away from home.


This story includes:

- Explicit, vivid sexual content

- Profanity

- Death of a parent

- Drug use

- Gaslighting

- Family Trauma and mental abuse

- Stalking recollected in a memory

- Abortion/Pregnancy Complications

If any of these topics may bother you in any way, this story may not be the best match for you. If you would like to read carefully, I will try my best to begin each chapter with a "Trigger Warning" sign.


While this is a fanfiction based on Adam Driver's HBO character, Adam Sackler, it is important to understand that I do not own or am affiliated with the TV show, Girls, in any way.

Also, please do not be alarmed that this story does not follow the storyline or resonate with the characters of Girls on HBO. While I do use certain characters that are featured in the show, Girls, I actually am using the personalities from specific characters and changing the whole plot around. For example, Adam Sackler is not a recovering alcoholic or aspiring actor in this story. He went to college to be a motion media designer and has a stable home life. I really appreciate the characters that Adam Driver has played before and I use inspiration from his character, Phillip Altman, in the movie, This is Where I Leave You.

What We Always Knew ( Adam Sackler x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now