Study in Pink 3

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"There wasn't a case."

Sherlock jumps up and runs out the door to the stairs.

"Oh, now this is getting somewhere fun." John sends me a playful glare, "how is it fun? There's a woman lying dead!"

"Well you don't have to be so negative about it, John." I say giving his shoulder a nudge.

"Suitcase! Did anyone find a suitcase, was there a suitcase in this house?!" Sherlock continued to bellow. The officers around him just stared with blank faces.

"Oh sorry, let me try that again. There's a woman lying dead. Wahoooo!" John throws jazz hands toward my way. "There we go, Watson!"

I see Sherlock walking up and down the stairs going into each room. "Sherlock, there was no case." Lestrade shouted back at the running man.

Sherlock stops and looks up to the three of us on the top floor. "But they take the poison themselves. They chew and swallow the pills themselves, there are clear signs, even you lot couldn't miss them."

Then it clicks in my head. I jump up and down holding onto Lestrade's arm. "OH I KNOW! I KNOW, ITS MURDER! ALL OF IT! SHERLOCK YOU BRILLIANT IDIOT!"

"Exactly (Y/N), all of them. Its all murder, I dont know how but its not suicides, its killings. Serial killings."

Still holding onto Lestrade, "OOOOO we have a serial killer, ladies and gentlemen! YES," I spin in a circle, "we always love those idiots."

Lestrade looks at me still confused, then at Sherlock, "why? Why are you saying that?"

"Oh look come on Gregory, look really close. Where's her case? Come on, where is it? Did she eat it? Because if she did, there would be square in her gut! And that would be interesting. But no, someone must of taken it," I turn to Sherlock, "so the killer must of driven her here, leaving her case in the car!"

"Or maybe she left it at the hotel," John intervenes.

 "No no no no, she never made it to the hotel, look at her hair, colour coordinates her lipstick and her shoes, she'd never have left a hotel with her hair still like-" He stops mid-sentence and slaps his hands together.

"OHHH," he began. "Sherlock" John, again, confused. Oh Watson please keep up.

"Serial killers, always hard. You've got to wait for them to make a mistake."

Lestrade huffs, "we can't just wait!"
"No no no Greg, we are done waiting. Look at her, think of all the things we are saying. Really think!" God if I have to help another person think, I'm gonna jump off a roof.

"Houston, we have a mistake!" Sherlock claps his hands again before bolting down the steps once again, "Get on to Cardiff, find Jennifer Wilson's family and friends, find Rachel!"

"Yes, ok but what mistake!?" Lestrade yells after Sherlock.

Sherlock runs halfway back up the stairs and yells back, "PINK!" And hes out the door again.

"Oh god, he's gonna be the death of me," Lestrade mumbles before going back into the room with Hello Kitty on the floor. I turn to John, he looked so lost. Oh shit thats alot of stairs for a limping man. The officers shuffle past the pair of us and go into the room. "Right," I clap my hands," lets go Doctor Watson."

I offer him my arm and he takes it. It was silent till we made it to the end of the stairs, "so you're a lot like him then?"

"Which part?" I ask. "Well you're both have that thingy, the deduction thing."
I laugh, "the deduction thing, very funny John. I was just observing and so was Sherlock."

We reach the door to the outside to see Sally by the door, "He's gone. He took off he does that."

I smirk and stick my hands in my jacket pocket, jesus its cold.

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