|Baton Rouge|
I sat in the car waiting on Ben my cousin who was in the store getting me something to drink it was hot as hell outside this particular day so something cold to drink was needed plus everybody was out side
Ben walked out the store coming to the car handing me my drink he had an scorned facial express on his face
Ben was a character to be honest he said what he felt and didn't care what anybody thought that's why his my favorite cousin cause his not scared to check somebody real quick but sometimes he gets in my nerves cause he trips over little things but over all he was way better then his brother and everyone else
"you know I spent 3 dollars an 75 cent onnet?"ben expressed rolling his eyes at me
Ignored Ben and watched who was watching going in the store seeing a big group of teenagers but one face popped out of the crowd it was a boy I felt like I had met him before somewhere right when I was about to get a good look at him Ben threw some chips at my head
"what was that for" I said reaching over landing a fist on his face
"Yo ass should of been listening out yo seat belt on safety first la bit"Ben said turning on the car and slight turning the volume button and nodding his head switching his focus to me a smile filled his face before pulling off
I shook my head then let out a chuckle
"You crazy"I said as we rode off looking out the window