Brentwood Pt. 2

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I sat on the couch sipping the apple juice through the clear straw while waiting on Uncle Cesar to come back with Monse. Eventually they did...

"You're right! We should go out. I'm feeling like this could be our last Halloween trick-or-treating. And frankly, it's feeling a little cramped in here. You feel me?"Monse says while looking at uncle Cesar while having me smile.

"We get to go out trick or treating now?"I asked excitedly. I'm tired of sitting here not doing anything.

"I vote for Brentwood. It's safe, rich, and I bet they've got full-size candy bars."Jamal says having my eyes light up more.

"Uncle Cesar! Pwease!"I begged him.

"Shut-ins are tradition. And I ordered the pizza. Did I mention it's artisanal?"Ruby speaks having me pout picking up the pillow that was meant to separate Uncle Cesar from Monse and threw it at Ruby face.

"CANDY!!"I screamed.

"Why can't we go somewhere else?"Olivia asked Ruby.

"Brentwood."Jamal whispered.

"There's gotta be other places."Olivia says.

"Brentwood."Jamal whispered again having me giggle.

"How about Brentwood?"Olivia says listening to Jamal.

"I'm down"Uncle Cesar says before I jumped up. "Me too!"I giggled.

"Brentwood is super far and we would have to take public transportation, which sucks."Ruby says.

I pout before walking into the kitchen slowly looking for the trash can to throw away my empty little carton of apple juice. Before I knew it, Uncle Cesar was calling me.

"Melaní. Let's go"Uncle Cesar says walking in the kitchen with a small and picking me up.

"Where are we going?"I asked holding on tight to the sheet he was wearing so I wouldn't fall.

"Brentwood"he smiled.


Guess what? I'm sitting at my first ever party! I hear about a lot of parties from Uncle Cesar when he hang out with his friends or when I sneakily hear daddy in the backyard partying. But this time, Uncle Cesar had no choice but to bring me inside. It was only me, Uncle Cesar, Ruby, and Olivia because Monse and Jamal wanted to split up. Some of the costumes were cool! I got called "a cutie" all night though. I don't mind it but Ruby didn't call me cute or beautiful all night...he was too busy trying to get Uncle Cesar to help him get Olivia.

I sat next to Uncle Cesar and rest my head on his arm softly from feeling a bit tired and light headed. I seen Ruby come up with a plate full of food and hide my face in Uncle Cesar arm.

"Hey. Give Melaní some of that."Uncle Cesar says to Ruby.

"No"I pout before sitting up and wiping the sleepiness out my eyes.

"Melaní, you have to eat something. You haven't eaten all day"Uncle Cesar says.

"I'll go find her something to drink. She's looking a bit pale"Olivia says before getting up.

I looked to Uncle Cesar and shook my head. "I'd rather jump off a cliff than to drink anything she gives me"I whispered to him.

"She's not going to poison you or anything. She really likes you and thinks you're adorable"he whispered back to me having me sigh.

"Are you okay?"Ruby asked me having my face light up.

I shook my head even though I was okay but seen he put the plates down before opening his arms to be. I smiled and immediately scooted over to hug him softly.

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