"She misses him?"

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Uncle Cesar had me sitting on top of a crate and kneel down in front of me.

"Don't go any where

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"Don't go any where. You must stay here and behave for uncle Cesar while he makes a trip. Okay?"uncle Cesar says to me caressing my curly hair softly.

"If you need anything Monse, Ruby, and Jamal are right here watching you"he added and kiss my head before walking into the house party full of high schoolers.

I huff and begin to swing my feet that were barely touching the ground and look up to see my uncle Cesar's friends looking over a fence. I huffed once again when I realized I was getting a bit hungry when my stomach growled.

"Do you see him? I don't see him"Monse says to the two boys she was between.

"Something bad is happening, I can feel it. I knew this was a bad idea"Jamal speaks up.

"Pop a Zannie, J. We can't see him 'cause he's being stealth."Ruby says to Jamal.

"Monse..."I called lowly pouting that she didn't hear me.

"No doubt, he's got this. When has Cesar ever disappointed us"Monse says distracted not able to hear that I was calling her name.

"Mmm, fourth grade. Kickball tourney. We lost."Jamal says also being distracted.

"Only 'cause I picked the kid with no skills. And I'd pick you again" Uncle Cesar voice was heard having everyone look at him including me. He was holding beer cans in his hands that I was trying to find out what it said but the word was too big for me to read. Daddy was helping me learn how to read but Uncle Cesar told me he went on a trip for a while.

"Loyalty trumps victory, Compa"uncle Cesar says throwing a can to Jamal and hand the rest out before coming to me kneeling down again in front of me pulling out a bag of chips and open it for me.

"Thank you for behaving, when we get home we can play dolls but remember what the secret was"he whisper the part to me having me giggle.

"Don't tell anyone that uncle Cesar plays with dolls"I say having him small and he hands me the small bag of Doritos before going back to his friends.

"Is Melaní okay? She's really quiet. Isn't that unusual for kids"Monse says chuckling about the last part she said.

"Yea, Oscar is in Jail and I told her he went on a trip and we don't know how long until he get back. So now every day she waits for him to come home. Ever since her mother left her on our door step she's only talks to Oscar and a little bit to me. I promised Oscar I would take care of her until he gets back"Uncle Cesar says to them lowly trying to make I wouldn't hear even though I was barely listening.

"She misses him?"Jamal asked having him nod.

"You would think he doesn't have a weakness but he does. And it's truly her. She might be mine too"Uncle Cesar chuckle looking to me and I smiled to him. "Sometimes I still ask myself, how can one tiny person give you soo much strength yet be your only weakness"Uncle Cesar says to them.

"Guys, check out my game."Ruby said turn to face Uncle Cesar, Monse, and Jamal who weren't looking over the fence anymore and back on the ground.

"Huerita just gave me the nod"Ruby say to them.

Before I could put another chip in my mouth I seen someone grabbing Ruby by the neck choking him. I immediately got scared and run up behind Uncle Cesar hugging his right leg.

"Eyeing my girl, Cabrón?"he asked Ruby not letting him go.

"No. God, no. I'm not into blondes"Ruby says trying to breath.

"Easy. He does your mom's taxes. Mrs. Guzman, right?"Uncle Cesar says to the guy having him nod. Uncle Cesar pushed me behind him a bit more so I wouldn't see.

"Three thousand dollar refund. Schedule C, line 30,home office deduction"I heard Ruby say.

"Yo, What are you doing, ese ? That's spooky' little bro and his kid, dawg"I heard another voice.

I poke my head out again and see they let go of Ruby and he try to catching his breath from being choked.

"I didn't realize it was you, homie. Hey, listen, tell spooky Sad Eyes sends respect."the first guys says and they both leave.

"Thank God for your brother"Ruby says to Uncle Cesar.

"Don't."Uncle Cesar says and pick me up as they started walking together away from the party. "Thank God for better things"

I heard a loud boom sound and could tell it was gunshots when uncle Cesar and his friends started running. I held on tighter to uncle Cesar and hid my face in his neck when they begin to call out numbers.

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