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I was laying on the floor playing with my dolls until I heard loud music outside

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I was laying on the floor playing with my dolls until I heard loud music outside. I stood up and run up the couch and climb up so I could reach the window. Papá car was in the yard and I see him get out with another man that he hangs out with a lot. Uncle Cesar came out his room and pulled me down from the couch.

"Laní, how many times do I have to tell you to stay away from the window"he says sighing.

"Sowwy Uncle Cesar"I say lowly to him seeing him look out the window seeing Papá walk up to the door and Cesar opened it before papá could unlock it.

"El Papá!"I screamed running up to him and he picked me up immediately hugging me tightly having me giggle.

"Did you get taller or did I get shorter"he asked before kissing my cheek.

"I got taller"I say smiling seeing him smile himself.

"I thought you was getting out later"Uncle Cesar asked papá and he looks to me.

"Melaní go to Uncle Cesar room while we talk. we got some things to talk about"papá says putting me down on the floor and I grabbed my doll before running to the room to continue playing there.


Third Person P.O.V

Oscar looked to his younger brother after he seen his kid run into Cesar room to play with her dolls.

"We don't talk about Prison or anything around her. She's too young for it Cesar."Oscar says having Cesar look out the window of the house and seeing his brother gang members.

"You don't think she's gonna wonder why her father is always away in the streets and probably won't get the proper education she's suppose to have because everyone is soo scared of her father Spooky the Santo Gang member"Cesar says a bit louder than he was suppose to.

"Lower your voice Cesar! She's gonna know sooner or later. She'll find out it's her destiny too just like your's"Oscar says not knowing that his daughter was peeking in the door crack after hearing the two brother yell at each other.

"Is she gonna be jumped in like you did me? She doesn't deserve this life with your gang. Don't hurt her Spooky"Cesar says as he was holding back his tears not wanting his niece to be a part of what he had to do in the future.

"Why would I hurt her. That's my daughter and I love her"

"apparently you don't love your little brother because you hurt me"Cesar says and begin to walk out the house.

"Cesar! Be back by 12...we got business to handle! "Oscar yelled


Melaní P.O.V

Papí was walking near the door I was peeking near and I run back to the floor to continue to play with my dolls, or at least to fake play with Barbie.

"Melaní?"He called and walked in the room looking down at me.

"Let's get out of Cesar room, what do you say? we go to the beach? Papi needs a open space to think."Papí says caressing my hair.

"Papí....what is jump-in?"I asked wanting to know but he doesn't say anything and held my hand softly.

what is jump-in?"I asked wanting to know but he doesn't say anything and held my hand softly

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"What did I tell you on listening on conversations. That's called being nosey. Don't ever do it again. do you understand?"He says having me look up at him.

"But uncle Cesar yelled it. I didn't mean to hear it"I say quickly trying to stay out of trouble with Papí.

"Then you pretend you didn't hear it. if you do that in the future you might get yourself hurt by someone who didn't want you to hear. But if any one hurt you....you let be know. Papí will always be here with you. I will take care of you no matter what. Do you understand?"Papí says pulling me in his arms and kissed my head softly.

"Yes Papa....When we get back from the beach...tonight can you read me my favorite book Cinderella?"I asked smiling.

Papí sighed before look back at my adorable face where I put my puppy eyes in action.

"only for you my princesa" Papí says having me giggle.

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