Words do hurt more than actions...

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Warning: Panic attack

Everything, you were done with everything. You were still living with your parents as you didn't have enough money to move out... but you were done with them. 

You took the little earnings you had and took the bus to somewhere you knew you'd be safe from them. You knew she'd probably be sleeping as it was almost one in the morning. You soon arrived in front of a prestigious house... you never knew what her house looked like as you never came here, but she gave you her address if one day you needed it, she knew how your parents were through your words and she wanted you to feel safe. Despite being summer vacation, you took a chance as she might have been away. 

You rang the doorbell at the gate. It took a minute before it opened. You walked over to the door observing your surroundings very closely. You knock at the door. You wait two minutes seeing as there wasn't an answer you knocked again. As you were waiting you sat down on the step crossing your arms hoping to warm yourself a little. 

You sat there waiting for something to happen, but you knew she was probably away. our eyes closing slowly you rested your forehead on your knees falling into a light sleep as the position you were in wasn't comfortable. 

You were awakened by someone shaking you, slowly opening your eyes you raised your head to be met with purple eyes, "Y/N? What are you doing here at this hour?" 

You took a closer look at her attire, she was indeed in the house as she was wearing an oversize shirt and shorts. Her hair was also messy, which you never thought you'd see.  


You snapped out of your daze, "I just couldn't stay there... Their words were too painful for me to stay and endure..." 

She noded, "Come in, luckily I'm home alone." she said inviting you inside. 

You both quietly made your way to her room. She dug through her drawers and pulled an old shirt and a pair of shorts for you to wear. You went ahead and changed in the bathroom. You came back into the room to see Kyoko in her bed, she looked up from what seems to be a file and tap the spot next to her. You sat beside her, she noticed your uneasiness, "You can go to sleep Y/N, I just need to finish reading this. You slowly laid down next to her. 

Her bed smelled good, the mix of lavender and vanilla with a couple of other scents soothed you enough for you to fall asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. 

A couple of hours went by and eventually, Kyoko always went to sleep, she took a good look at you. She felt bad you had to go through that, but she couldn't do anything about it, unfortunately, the only thing she thought of was letting you sleep at her house when you needed it. 

On the other hand, you were having a terrible sleep, the words they said to you swirled in your head causing your dreams to be affected. You woke up in panic from a nightmare out of breath. It was just a dream, but unfortunately what they said wasn't.

Your breathing accelerating as the fight flooded your memories once more. The room vaguely losing its meaning as you felt like you were drowning, unable to reach for oxygen. Your hands shaking. You didn't know what was going on... you never felt like this, sure you felt your chest be compressed sometimes and had a hard time breathing, but this was worse, you felt as you were dying from their words. 

Kyoko stirred and noticed the state you were in she sat up quickly, "Y/N what's wrong?" 

Your throat closing up unable to answer, barely hearing her voice, you couldn't say anything. You felt awfully dizzy like you were on the verge of passing out... or dying... 

Kyoko wasn't sure what to do and did the only thing she could think off she shook your shoulder forcing you to look at her. Your eyes were watering and tears were rolling down your cheeks. She cupped your face, "Y/N, talk to me... I can't help you if I don't know what's going on?" 

"I-I can't breath." is all you managed to say, she wasn't sure what was going on... until she remembered something she read. She took a deep breath, "Have you read any interesting novels recently?" 

You looked at her like she was crazy, "Just answer the question Y/N." 

"W-Well I last thing I read was a novel about a prince looking for a princess and he did selections to accomplish that." 

And just like that, she asked you more questions out of nowhere, slowly directing your head on her shoulder. Eventually, you calmed down, "Do you want to talk about it now?" she asked, you shook your head, "Not now... I'm exhausted..." 

She laid down, you followed her and she wrapped her arms around you playing with your hair at the same time. You quickly fell back asleep exhausted from what just happened, she kissed the crown of your head, "I know it's hard when they tell you things like that, but whatever they say isn't the truth. You're a wonderful human being." 

A/N: Did yall read The Selection books? Like honestly they were pretty good if I may so, might re-read them when I can. Oh and no I'm not dead I just started a new job and it's taking quite a lot of time and energy, but this week isn't as bad as the last one so more updates are coming. Feel free to request anything!

921 words

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