Sick Day, Sick Love

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You and Kyoko had been together for a while now. You were comfortable with each other, enough for her to show you affection. Both of you had fallen asleep in each other's arms the previous night during one of your cuddle sessions. Kyoko wasn't strong on PDA, the most she let you get away with is holding her hand or laying your head on her shoulder and if no one was around, she'd kiss you on the nose, forehead or the head. Although when you two were alone, she always wanted you close to her, even if she was busy with a case, she wants you to cuddle her, and usually uses your back as a desk. Overall, she was affectionate only when you two were alone.

The alarm she had set for the both of you rang, she reached for her phone and turned off the alarm, she wasn't a morning person, actually, she could barely function if she didn't have at least a cup of black coffee, you never understood how she was able to drink it plain but she always told you that's how it should be drank. She looked down at your sleepy face and smiled, she always found it adorable when you fell asleep on her. She shook your shoulder trying to wake you up. She giggled when you nuzzled deeper into her neck, "Y/N, you need to wake up, we have class."  You lifted your head, "Five more minutes, please." you begged with a pouting face, she laughed and shook her head, "We have class, and I don't want you to be late again, you know how Taka gets." You mumbled something and let yourself fall beside her to let her get up. 

You looked at her pouting, for no obvious reason. She rolled her eyes and kissed your forehead, but when she did, she noticed your forehead was hot, more than usual. She pulled up her sleeve, and pressed it against your forehead, she didn't felt comfortable enough to remove her gloves in front of you and you respected that because you wanted her to be as comfortable as possible, "Y/N, your forehead is burning." She walked into the bathroom and grabbed a thermometer. As soon as you saw it you frowned, "You're not putting that in my butthole." She sighed, "I'm not putting that up there, open your mouth." You did as you were asked and when it beeped her expression changed, "Well, I guess you can stay in bed today since it seems you have a fever. It's better if you rest and stay hydrated." 

Now you were stuck in bed and you watched Kyoko get ready, feeling tired despite having just woken up. You didn't want her to leave, "Can you stay with me today since I am sick?", she giggled, "As much as I would love to Y/N, I can't. Unlike you, I don't have a good reason to skip class."

Kyoko finished getting ready and when she was done she gave you a kiss on your forehead and told you to rest and take it easy. She left for class and now you felt alone, and even if you were tired, you grabbed your phone and scrolled through the picture of you two together. At one point, you fell asleep but woke up because you were thirsty. You got up, but your legs felt like jello, it didn't take two steps before you crumble on the floor with a grunt. Your legs were so tired they had completely given up on you and when you tried getting up the same thing happened, so you just decided to stay there and sleep, which is exactly what happened. 

Meanwhile, Kyoko was being interrogated by your classmates because of your absence, Taka almost threw a fit when the bell rang and you weren't in class, but Kyoko quickly shut him down by explaining that you were sick and had a fever. 

Her first class ended and she went back to your shared dorm to make sure you were ok. When she opened the door, she was surprised to find you completely peaceful and asleep... on the floor. She was wondering how you ended up in such a situation. She shook her head and carried you back in bed, which woke you up. She settled you down in the bed and as she was about to turn away you grab her hand, she turned to face you, "Why were you asleep on the floor Y/N?" Your throat was hurting a bit, so in a small voice you answered, "I was thirsty and I tried to grab some water, but I couldn't." She nodded and went into your mini-fridge to give you a water bottle, "Now don't get out of bed, I don't want you sleeping on the floor again." She said as she gave you a quick peck on the nose, "But it's surprisingly very comfortable." you answered with a cheeky smile. "You're still not sleeping on the floor, but I have to go to my next class, did you need anything." You looked at her with pleading eyes, "I need you, Kyoko." 

She lowered her head, "I have two classes before lunch, I'll bring you food so we can eat together, how does that sound?" she asked cupping your cheek while rubbing it with her gloved thumb, "I guess I don't have a choice, but can I have a hug before you go?" She nodded and so you wrapped your arms around and buried your face in the crook of her neck inhaling the scent of lavender and vanilla, "You smell good." She giggled at the compliment and kissed your forehead before leaving again, this time as soon as she left you fell asleep.

The next time you woke up it was from the smell of the food she had brought, as your eyes fluttered open she placed the food on the nightstand and sat beside you, "So do you feel better?", you noded laying your head on her laps, "Aren't you hungry?" "I've missed you.", "Y/N, I've only been gone for a couple of hours..." "I know, but it felt longer.", she sighed, "You're such a baby when you're sick." You sat up beside her and both of you started eating, after both of you were done with your food, she went back to the bathroom and took your temperature again, "It went down a bit, but you still have a fever. I'll give you something to help." She went back to the bathroom to grab some medication and you took them. There was still time left on her lunch break so you just cuddled with her, she wasn't bothered by the fact she might get sick, because her immune system was so strong, though except when she would go a couple of nights without sleeping.

Soon she had to go back to class and so you decided to do something you haven't been able to do in a while, draw. You let your fingers do the job, simply drawing lines without a goal, eventually, you realized what you were drawing, a lavender flower. You smiled at the small drawing, you knew you had drawn that because Kyoko was on your mind. You kept sketching it out and soon the door to the dorm opened to reveal Kyoko with Aoi and Sayaka. "Are you feeling better Y/N?" Sayaka asked, "Yeah, it was just a small fever, no big deal, plus I had time to do things I like." "That's nice but lucky you got to have a day, I wish I could sleep in my room for an entire day," Hina said pouting a bit. "Well we're glad you feel better, we'll see you in class tomorrow," Sayaka said with a smile and a small wave. They both left the dorm leaving you and Kyoko alone. "What did you draw?" Kyoko asked while removed the jacket of her uniform. "Lavender," you answered with a smile. She looked at you blushing a bit with a small smile.

She grabbed her laptop and sat beside you, you laid your head against her shoulder while she worked on a case and you finished the drawing you had started. After all, maybe you should be sick more often so she can take care of you like this.

A/N: I can't draw for shit, but I like to draw. 

1401 words 

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