Chasing Love (Preview)

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A/N: Okay so I'm having an Ace Attorney brain rot and I had this idea for a book. It would be the reader (Still deciding if it is gender-neutral or not as I may want to add a couple of NSFW scenes (it will be female anatomy if that's the case), should I?) and Kyoko resolving cases together. Now Kyoko would be a detective, duh, but the reader would be a psychologist often called in trials and cases to explain certain things. And yes these are things I learned in my courses. This is actually a preview of one of the cases. I have to warn you the book itself may not be out until a while since I have so many other to finish before.


"Your Honour, may I present a theory of my own?" I asked calmly.

"Of course."

"I believe neither the culprit nor the victim is lying, put it simply, one is not saying the truth."

"Excuse me? May you perhaps elaborate?"

Bowing my head, I kept going with the simple explanation, "Put it simply, the partner's victim, is saying what she remembers, but is that the truth?"

I glanced at the lavender-haired detective watching from the audience, her turn at the bar had just ended to leave the room to me, a psychologist often called to examine, or even reassure victims and criminals. In other words, making sure they don't go insane. I am also called often into trials to put work into words, such as what I am currently doing.

"From what we see of the plan, the victim was, and I quote "facing the killer" although it seems to be quite contradictory to what the victim said previously when she mentioned feeling a gun at the back of her neck. Here is my theory, what if the victim was facing the wall, in other words, the television which was playing an old documentary."

"I'm not quite sure I follow your logic?"

"How can someone face the killer and be threaten with a gun at the back of their neck, put it simply, she was facing the wall the whole time, her brain simply mixed up the signals."

I took a deep breath, drinking a sip of the glass of water in front of me.

"When someone is exposed to trauma, long or short term, the victim of it might develop what we call a defence mechanism. An example of that could be that someone completely forgets about an event, or simply makes jokes about their trauma to cope. Though I'm not here to give you a psychology lesson. Here is my theory. The brain simply put two in two together, seeing something and feeling something else together. Though both senses aren't necessarily connected, more so the brain did so to protect the victim's brain."

"But why?"

"The brain is one of the most complicated organs your honour, I cannot explain why simply, I think this is what happens and why both the culprit's testimony and the witness' are so confusing. The witness' brain mixed up the events. Detective Kirigiri, would that make sense to you?"

"Indeed, I am sure with this lead, we could find the real culprit, the team took it easier since it was so obvious, though I did find clues of it being way more complicated than we imagined."

"Well, I believe the court could give you more time to find the real culprit, but Doctor, may I asked a question?"

"Of course."

"How are you sure this man sitting behind you is not lying."

"Well, the detective and I made research following my theory, and we found out that the night of the murder, the documentary aired was indeed featuring your suspect."

"I see, well since we have no longer any proof against the suspect, we will be released until we find the right one, though sir, please be reachable as if we need your input."

The trial ending in a hurry, without a proper conclusion, many people were frustrated by the outcome, except the detective, "My detective, you seem happier than most at the conclusion."

"Well, an easy truth isn't always the actual truth."

"Well said, might I ask you something?"


"Would you join me on a date so we can discuss the case?"

"A date?"

"Yes, to talk about work."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt, I'm available tomorrow evening and since the trial isn't before next week, I'm sure we'll find who did this."

"Of course, I wouldn't think otherwise Miss Kirigiri."

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