A Typical Day?

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(A/N: I'm really excited to say that I'm writing my first fan fiction, and depending on how this goes, I'll add more once I get a basis. Enjoy!)

It's another typical day at high school, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the students are gathering. As the tall, purple-haired girl, Yuri, makes her way inside.

"Hey Yuri!"

A girl with messy peach-colored hair, a red bow, and blue sapphire eyes, bounced her way over to Yuri, with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Sayori, how are you?"

"I'm doing great! How are you??" Sayori says with a huge amount of energy.

"I'm doing good."

The school bell rings.

"Aw, man! I gotta get to class! See ya, Yuri!"


As Yuri walks down the hall to her class, she spots the tall brunette, with her hair pulled back into a long ponytail, and held by a white bow, Monika, the most popular girl in school. Yuri finds herself staring at her, and the brunette stares back, with beautiful green eyes. Yuri blushes, flustered, and walks fast down the hall.

Ahhhhh, Yuri what is wrong with you?? She was pretty though. AHHHHHHH, NO, don't let the gay thoughts invade. How could she even like somebody like me? She's so pretty and popular and I'm a nobody. Plus, she doesn't even know I'm lesbian, she'll hate me if I tell her, and she'll never talk to me.

Yuri heads to class, distracted during the whole day, unable to get Monika off her mind afterwards.

(*time skip*)

Finally, the day was over. Yuri hurried up the stairs and down the halls to the Literature Club. As she opened the door, and seeing was usually first, she was surprised to see Monika already there, sitting on the teacher's desk, staring at the ceiling. She turned to Yuri, and got up from where she was sitting.

"Hi, Yuri."

"H-hello, Monika"

I'm never this scared around Natsuki or Sayori, so why Monika?? WHY WORLD WHY

"U-uh, I h-have to go t-to the bathroom"

Yuri rushed out the room into the hall, as Monika stood confused as to what just happened. Yuri rushed to the bathroom and went in one of the stalls. She opened her backpack, and pulled out a knife. 

I have to calm down down, I need to get rid of the emotions.

Yuri starts cutting with the knife on her arm, making long cuts on her arm, bleeding all over her arms.

Yes. I can feel the adrenaline rushing, more, more.

Yuri starts making more cuts on her arm and switches to the other. Afterwards, she ran water on both her arms, put the knife in her backpack, and pulled her sleeves back down. Yuri makes her way back to the clubroom, where she sees that Sayori and Natsuki were already there, arguing about cupcakes.




"I DON'T WANNA, u-uh," Sayori stutters. "Y-yours taste better."

Natsuki blushes, and goes back to tsundere mode.

"What's it to you...."

Sayori's never stuttered before, what's up with her today? Probably a lack of food. And Natsuki, blushed....hmmmmm, something's up between those two.

Yuri heads to her seat, and takes out her favorite book, Portrait of Markov, which she's read like 8 times.

.      .      .

"Okay, everyone!" Monika suddenly says. "Time to share poems!

(A/N: Because I'm crappy and lazy, and suck at writing poems, I won't be making poems, unfortunately sorry for anyone who wanted to see poems.)

Sayori walks over Natsuki to exchange poems, which gets Yuri stuck with Monika. Monika walks over to Yuri but doesn't pull out her poem just yet.

"Hey, Yuri, are you ok, since...you know, you ran to the bathroom out of the blue?"

"O-oh, me? Yeah, I-I'm fine...."

"Something's off," Monika thinks. "She's acting strange, which worries me"

Monika notices she froze, and immediately comes back to Earth. Yuri notices and says,

"M-Monika, are we still gonna share?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah"

*poem exchange*

"I really liked you poem, Yuri." 

"O-oh, really? T-thank you."


(Everybody else exchanges poems with everyone)

"Okay, everyone!" Monika says in a cheerful voice "It's getting late, so it's time to go home!"

"P h e w" Yuri thinks.

Monika heads out, along with Sayori right behind her. Natsuki heads out, with Yuri being the last out. 

A few minutes later....

As Yuri steps inside, she tosses her backpack on the couch, and heads upstairs to the bathroom, and puts bandages on her arms. She heads in her room to change clothes, and flops on the bed, too exhausted by what all happened today. She thinks about all that happened, seeing Monika, the awkward moment between Sayori and Natsuki, her cuts, and soon falls asleep.

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