The Sleepover

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(A/N: Back at it again at Krispy Kreme. With some sweet Yuri x Monika and Sayori x Natsuki.)

Today was the day of the sleepover. Although some people weren't as excited as others.

"Great. Today's the day of the sleepover. Maybe I should've said no. But then Monika would've been heartbroken." Yuri thought as she was making her way to the school.

All of a sudden, she bumped into Monika.

"Oof!" Yuri said.

"Ouch!" Monika said, rubbing her forehead. "Sorry about that, I was thinking about something."

"I wonder what she was thinking about." Yuri suddenly thought.

"Don't worry, i-it's fine." Yuri said.

"Anyways, I was wondering what we should do at the sleepover." 

"Hmmm...I don't know, watch a movie, play some games, bake, that kind of stuff." Yuri said, obviously putting no thought into it.

Suddenly, Yuri's arms started hurting, Yuri had cut herself when she got home yesterday, with all that had happened that day. 

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me. Crap, crap, crap, what do I do??"

"Um, Yuri are you okay?" Monika said with a hint of worry.

"Hmm, o-oh I'm fine." Yuri says.

"Alright Yuri, you're hiding something and I can tell. I shouldn't press her now though. I'll ask after school." Monika thought.

"Ok then." Monika said, pretending to be done with that situation.

"Wayyy too close, I gotta be careful." Yuri thinks.

Yuri slowly walks toward the nearest bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Monika says.

"O-oh, I h-have to g-go to the b-bathroom." Yuri says, hesitated.

"Oh, ok." Monika says, and stands there, waiting.

Yuri quickly heads into the bathroom and rolls up her sleeves. Unrolling the bandages on her arms, and starts putting some sort of ointment on her arms.


Monika waited for Yuri to enter the bathroom, then went towards the bathroom herself. The she peeked through the door, only to see several cuts on each of Yuri's arms.

Monika looked horrified.

"I can't believe she would hide this from me. How could she?? I'll have to scold her later though, it's almost time for class."

Meanwhile while....

Sayori was making her way down the hall to the vending machine, where she purchased a chocolate candy bar and a cookie. 

She immediately tore up the plastic that the cookie was held in, and devoured it. So busy devouring it, to pay attention of where she was walking.

"Oof! Hey watch where you're-

The other person immediately paused when she saw Sayori. 

"Owie. Sorry about- 

Sayori also paused when she saw who she bumped into.

"YOU!" They both said. Sayori in more of a shock and Natsuki angry- ish

They both had a stare down for a couple of minutes.

"What are you doing here?" Natsuki said.

"No, what are YOU doing here?" Sayori said, in retaliation.

"I asked first." Natsuki said, folding her arms.

"I asked second, and 2 is greater than one." Sayori said confidently.

"Ugh. I always take this way, it's my usual route to class. Duh." Natsuki said.

"Well, I didn't know that. Sheesh." Sayori said.

"Anyways, I've never seen you come this way, so why are you here?"

"I came this way because there was a vending machine, the one I usually go to is broken, so I came to this one." Sayori says.

"Oh. I see, well....goodbye then." Natsuki said, starting to walk away.



"You see, Monika was wondering if you wanted to go to the sleepover today, soooo, did you want to...?"

"A sleepover? How typical, but I guess I should come so Monika won't be disappointed, and possibly Sayori..."


"Ok, I'll come."

"Yes! Wait, why am I excited that she's coming??" Sayori suddenly thought.

We will see the drama unfold after school and at the sleepover. Until next time purple dudes....

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