Blocky Situation

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Everybody grabbed an Xbox controller from off the table, and Monika turned on the TV and Xbox.

"I've always wanted to play this!!" Sayori said, getting too hyped.

"I know about the game, but how do" Yuri said confused.

"I dunno." Monika said.

" own the game..." Natsuki said, obviously confused.

"Eh, let's just play." Monika said, starting the game.

Monika pressed the play button, and the other three joined in.

"Alright so now what?" Natsuki said.

"Well, use RT to mine or hit, LT to use items or place blocks, A to jump, B to sneak or crouch, and Y to open inventory. Use the L stick to move and the R stick to move your camera." Yuri explained.

" this?" 

Natsuki started continuously hitting Monika until she died.

P1 (Monika) was hit to death by P4 (Natsuki)


"Hey! There have got to be better usernames we can come up with than these!!" Sayori said.

"Glad that's what your focused on." Monika said.

5 minutes later

"Well, that was...interesting." Yuri said.

"So says PurpleKnifeMaster." Natsuki said.

"Oh yeah CupcakeOfDoom?" Yuri says back.

"Guys, chill out they're just usernames." Monika said.

"Oh yeah DokiMaestro was a real genius one." Natsuki says.

"I think it's kind of cool." Yuri said, blushing.

"Thank you Yuri!" Monika said, beaming.

"Y-You're welcome..." Yuri said, her entire face red now.

"Oooooooh, look at the lovebirds." Sayori said chiming in. "I ship it!"

"E-Eh?!" Yuri said, flustered. "JoyousCinnamonRoll, leave me be."

"That's a kind of cute name..." Natsuki said, blushing a little.

"Oh, you really think so?!" Sayori said, lighting up.

"U-uh, it's not like I like it or anything." Natsuki said, getting flustered.

"Your name should've been TsundereCupcake." Yuri giggles.

"Well yours should've been FlusteredPurpleIdiot, hmph." Natsuki said.

"Touché, Natsuki, touché." Yuri said.

"Can we get on with the game no-  OOOH WHAT'S THAT?!" Sayori said.

"That's a cow, Sayori." Yuri said.

"Well...why's it there?" Natsuki asked confused.

"Well, you can get food and leather from it by killing it." Yuri explained.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO, NO NO AND NOOO" Sayori screamed. "We will not kill these heavenly beings." Sayori said.

"Um...ok?" Yuri said confused.

"As long as I am here we will not harm these creatures." Sayori said in a firm tone.

"Whatever you say." Yuri replied.

"Well, anyways, we should try explore this map and see what we find." Monika said.

"Where will we meet?" Natsuki asked.

"Hrmmmm, good question. Yuri, how do we find each other?" Monika asked.

"Huh?" "Oh. We just use the maps we have." Yuri replied.

"Right. And how do we do that?" Natsuki asked sarcastically.

"You just press LT." Yuri said.

"Oh I see it!" Sayori replied enthusiastically.

Once Sayori pressed it, a map popped up, and on it, the page was blank, except for the area around them. On the map, the were four dots (or arrows I forgot), a green one, a blue one, a purple one, and a pink one.

"Hey, how come most of the map is blank?" Sayori asked confused.

"Well you have to explore, in order to add to the map." Yuri explained.

"Oh, then everybody split up!" Sayori said pointing in the distance.

*spongebob voice* 2 hOuRs LaTeR

"Um, where am I?" Sayori asked.

"You seem to have somehow got off the map..." Yuri said confused.

"DON'T WORRY SAYORI, I'LL FIND YOU!!!" Natsuki exclaimed.

"Please do, heh..." Sayori said, concerned she'll never get back on the map.

"You seem pretty high up Sayori..." Monika said.

"I think I'm on a mountain...?" Sayori said confused.

Sayori started wandering around the mountain with literally nothing in her inventory hoping to find something. It then started to get dark on the game.

"Hey uh, what's happening to the sky?" Sayori asked.

"It seems to be getting dark..." Monika said.

"Uh oh."

Everyone turned towards Yuri.

(A/N: HAHA This took a lot out of me. Guess I'm making another sequel chapter, prepare for another eternity  >:3)

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