The Sleepover (Part 2)

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*End of School*

Yuri was making her way down the hall, until suddenly...

"Stop right there!" 


It was Monika. She was making a stop motion with her hand, and a sort of frowning expression on her face.

"Um, what's wrong??"

"You know what's wrong."

Yuri made a confused expression on her face, while Monika was still frowning.

"Roll up your sleeves."

".  .  ." 

"Oh no. She must know, why else would she be asking all of a sudden??" Yuri thought in a panic.

Yuri hesitated. Then she slowly rolled up her sleeves to reveal the cuts.

"Why didn't you tell me??"

"I....was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore..."

"So that's it. Yuri if only you knew...." Monika thought.

Monika suddenly gave Yuri a hug.

"Yuri, I wouldn't hate you over some cuts, I only wish you told me, so I could help you."

Yuri then blushed. 

30 seconds before.

Two people were walking down the hall a little bit away from where Monika and Yuri were.

"Hey, is that Monika and....Yuri??" Sayori said.

"Hugging?!" Natsuki said, finishing her sentence.
"Do you think they could be-

"Stop talking." Natsuki said, interrupting.


Back to the present

"So, are you two a thing now?" Natsuki said with a smug look on her face.

Both suddenly go of each other.

"How much did you see??" Yuri said.

"Not much, why? Did I I miss something else~" Natsuki said.

"AH! N-no, nothing l-like that, n-not at all!" Yuri said, sweating like crazy.

Sayori and Monika giggled.

"So cute!" Yuri and Natsuki thought.

"Anyways!" Monika suddenly said. "What do you guys want to do at the sleepover?"

They started walking down the hall, thinking.

"I want to bake!" Natsuki said.

"Can we play some games?" Sayori said.

"Scary stories?" Yuri said.

"All sound like wonderful ideas!" Monika said.

By that time, the four reached the club room.

"Wait! I have an important question!" Sayori suddenly said.

The others look at her, confused.

"Do we have to bring snacks, or are you gonna have some?"

"Really, Sayori?" Natsuki said with sarcasm written all over her.

"I'll have snacks, Sayori, don't worry." Monika said, assuring her.

"Ok, ok, I'm just making sure." Sayori said, with a skeptical look on her face.

"Oh wait, I have a question too. Do you have the baking materials I'll need?" Natsuki said, with a serious face.

"Just text me the things you need, here's my number." Monika said. "Oh and you guys can have my number if there's anything you need." Monika made a face towards Yuri.

"H-her number?! I can just call her or text her whenever??" Yuri thought.

All four of them decided to just chat in the club room, since they took up most of the time talking about the sleepover.

"So, what time should we be there?" Sayori asked.

"Why does it matter, you'll be late anyways." Monika said, with an amused look on her face.

"Ahem. Fashionably late, of course!" Sayori said with a huge grin.

"Anyways, you guys all need to stop at home to get your stuff, right?" Monika said.

"Yes." Yuri said.

"Yep!" Sayori said.

"Uh-huh." Natsuki said.

"I should have everything ready by the time you guys get there then!" Monika said.

"Ok see you guys there then!" Sayori said, heading out. Monika following.

"Ok, bye then." Yuri said.

"Catch you guys tonight." Natsuki said, dashing down the hall.

Later that day...

"Ok. I've got everything ready." Monika said, and let out a sigh.

Monika spent the entire afternoon shopping for the things she needed, so she was exhausted, maybe she should just skip to the sleep part in the sleepover.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" Monika said.

"Good evening, Monika." 

"Good evening, Yuri, are you excited?" Monika started jumping up and down.

"U-um, yes...very." Yuri said, in a dull tone.

"Oh come on, you don't sound excited." Monika said.

"I-I mean...Yes! I'm v-very excited!" Yuri said.

"Better!" Monika said.


*Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang*

Whoever was trying to get in was very impatient because they banged on the door at least 100 times before Monika could reach the door.


And in came a bouncy peach-headed person.

"Hi, Sayori!" Monika said.

"Helloooooooo!" Sayori said, not able to contain her energy. "So, what're we gonna do first??" 

"Calm down, Sayori, Natsuki's not even here." Monika said.

Sayori suddenly froze.

"Oops." Monika thought.

"O-oh, right, N-Natsuki." Sayori stuttered.

*Knock Knock*

"You know what? I suddenly have to go to the bathroom, bye!" 

And with that Sayori zoomed up the stairs to find the bathroom.

"That girl worries me." Monika said, sighing. "Hey, Yuri can you get the door, I've gotta get Sayori."


Yuri then opens the door.

"Hello, purple Godzilla."

"Hello, Natsuki."

"Where's Monika?"

"She went to get S- snacks." Yuri said, correcting herself just in time.

"Hmm, ok."

- Silence -

Suddenly, Monika comes down the stairs.

"Ok, she's not coming out." Monika said.

"Who?" Natsuki said.

"Huh? Oh, uh, m-my little sister, yeah, ha.." Monika said, nervously.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight." Natsuki said, skeptically. "You never told us you have a sister..."

"Uh, I guess it never occurred to tell you guys, heh." Monika said.

"Alright, I'll come down-

Sayori said, popping out of nowhere, but stopped when she saw Natsuki.

"You know what? I actually...have to go to bed-

"But it's only 5:45" Monika said.

"But I-

"No buts." Monika said. "Get down here."

"Ok, fine...." Sayori said.

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