Chapter one.

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Emma woke up sluggishly, just like any other day. She got out of bed and tried her best to fix her hair. Once she finished she passed Ray's room and noticed he was still asleep. She took this as the perfect opportunity to annoy him. She walked out to the kitchen and grabbed two pots, banging them together. "Come on! Time to wake up, Ray!" She shouted. Ray, who had been sound asleep after staying up to read all night; groaned loudly. Slowly sitting up, he yawned and hopped out of bed. "Why do you feel it's necessary to bang pots and pans in the morning, Emma?" He teased, as he walked by the redhead. Emma smiled and looked over at him. "I mean it works to get you up doesn't it?" She placed the pots down. "Oh, and good morning to you too!" She added on quickly. Ray quickly buttoned up his shirt, rolling his eyes. "Yeah yeah, good morning carrot top." He said, walking out of the room, and getting breakfast before leaving for school. Emma laughed a bit and got ready as well. She left behind him and locked the door from the inside before closing the door behind her. "Hey, Ray wait up!" She ran next to him. "I put the keys in my bag and locked the door!" The only problem was she didn't have her bag. Ray nodded and continued walking. Though, when he saw Emma; he stopped for a moment to look her up and down. "Emma, you don't have your bag?" He questioned while tapping her shoulder. Emma tilted her head and looked behind her. "Oh! I forgot my bag!" She said nervously and stumbled around. Ray facepalmed, and looked up at the girl with some annoyance. "You better get it, Emma. I don't want to be late. Again." Ray was used to being late due to Emma's shenanigans, but he certainly didn't enjoy it. Emma nodded and looked away. "Got it, get the bag and the key.." She smiled nervously. "I'll be right back, and I'll try to find another way inside!" Ray sighed, shaking his head. "How did you even lock the door, and leave the key inside?" He asked curiously, a task like that seems like something only Emma could pull off. Emma shrugged a bit. "I don't know! Somethings I can't explain! I'm going to go get it though, you coming, or are you going to stay here?" Ray thought for a moment, realizing that the process would probably be quicker if he tagged along with her. He nodded, "yeah, I'll come with you." The black hair male said, walking towards her. Emma smiled. "Perfect, thank you!" She grabbed his hand and ran back to the house. "How are we going to get inside though?" She asked. "I need to get my bag!" She said persistently. Ray looked around, trying to think of ways to get inside. "I still don't understand how you locked the keys inside the house." He said curiously, raising an eyebrow at the redhead. Emma crossed her arms. "I put the keys in my bag, then I forgot my bag, and locked the door from the inside. Lesson learned I can't remember my bag so you have to remind me!" Ray rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah." He said sarcastically; continuing to try and figure out a way to get inside. "We might have to like, break a window or something." He stated, scratching the back of his head. Emma thought for a minute. "I can do that, I've broken many windows! I just need a big rock!" She ran around the front yard and began looking for one. Ray stood there for a minute. "Why has she been breaking windows?" He muttered to himself, before starting to look around the yard for a rock they could throw. Hopefully, they didn't get in too much trouble for this. Emma soon found one, picking it up while struggling she walked over to a window. "Ray! Watch me!" She giggled and made sure to back up a bit, not wanting to get hit with any glass. She then threw it and the window exploded and the glass fell out. Ray watched as she broke the window, and then he ran over to her. "Make sure not to get cut by any glass." He said and started to crawl in through the window; waiting inside for her. Emma nodded and crawled through the window. The moment she got inside she had noticed she scratched her hand by accident. "Ow. Ray, I kinda hurt my hand." She showed her hand to him. Ray turned around, examining her hand. He then sighed, grabbing her arm; and started to drag her to the bathroom. He sat her down and started looking through the cabinet for the medkit they had. "You need to be more careful." Ray said sternly, glaring slightly at the younger one. Emma kicked her legs back and forth slightly. "It wasn't my fault though, I was being really careful!" She looked down embarrassed. Trying to avoid eye contact. Ray set everything down next to her. He grabbed her face gently and brought it up to eye level. "You're too careless for your good! If you continue to be this clumsy you'll get yourself killed! Do you understand?!" He yelled. Emma nodded repeatedly. "Yes, yes I understand!" She groaned. Ray let go of her face and grabbed the supplies again. "I told you to be careful going inside." He sighed and bent down. "I was! I promise!" She whined. "The cut on your hand suggests otherwise." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He bent down and started to clean the cut with a few wipes; quickly bandaging it up afterward. Emma winced a bit and closed her eyes. "Are you done yet? It's burning." She tried her hardest not to pull her hand away. Ray pulled away from her hand, looking up at her. "Yeah yeah I'm done." He said calmly, getting up to put the medkit away. "Let's find your bag and get to school now, then?" Ray suggested, knowing that they were already late enough. Emma nodded, she was used to being late so it never bothered her. "Alright, I'll go get it!" She got up and ran out to the living room, and got down to grab her bag. "Got it, Ray!" Ray appeared a second later. "Alright then, let's get going." He said demanding and grabbed her arm. Ray then started to drag her out of the house, and they started walking on their way to school. "I've never been this late to school, gosh." He muttered to himself. Emma stumbled behind him. "Why are you dragging me, I can walk myself, you know?" Ray rolled his eyes and scoffed, letting go of her. "Fine then, keep up." He smirked and ran off.

/Hello!!! I've made many stories but I'm settling on this one! Shout out to my friend for helping me with my writer's block!! They were the ones who made this story possible! Anyways I'll update this story soon! Also please let me know if I spelled anything wrong or used incorrect grammar! Bye for now guys and feel free to give me ideas for the next chapter!/

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