Chapter two (2)

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When Emma woke up, or was woken up it had only been two minutes after she proceeded to fall asleep again. The teacher scolded her for sleeping in class again, but not only that she had gained the extra work that she'd missed while she slept. It didn't really effect her. Though, usually it would have. The problem was she was still in a daze and felt extremely tired. Finally she left her classroom and headed out of the building. The sunlight hurt her eyes and she used her hand as a provision for shade.
Ray who had been waiting for her to arrive looked over at her. "Hey, Emma." He greeted, waving to get her attention. The girl walked over to him. The silence between them went loud. She didn't speak as the girl leaned against him and began to fall back to asleep. Ray had a puzzled look on his face. He blinked a few times before starting to shake her. "Emma. What are you doing? C'mon."
Emma groaned a little. "I'm tired... Leave me be." She mumbled, trying her best to look up at him but her eyes were barely able to stay open. Ray sighed a little. "Well, isn't that unfortunate? C'mon, we have to walk home." Emma shook her head, sitting onto the ground, and leaning back. Not caring how dirty it was. "Please. I just need a little bit of rest." Emma said under her breath. Ray sighed slightly again. "Emma, you can rest when we get home. You're getting all dirty."
She rolled around a little bit. "I don't want to get up and walk all the way home. I'm not getting up and you can't make me." She stuck her tongue out at him and looked away. "Well you have to. Unless you'd like me to leave, and you can sleep on the cold ground tonight?" He crossed his arms. "You wouldn't leave me." Emma responded almost immediately. She started to get covered with dirt all over her body. "Or would I?" He raised an eyebrow. Ray was only saying this to scare her, so she would get up off the ground. "What if someone kidnapped me? People are brutal and could do me many bad things." She asked. The sun shined brighter on her eyes and she began to fall asleep again. "Really, your using that excuse? That's quite unlikely." He hummed. "Well, what if I got sick? It's definitely going to get cold tonight and I might freeze." She was just making up dumb excuses that would alter in her own fault just to stall him incase he was going to leave her. "Well, wouldn't that be your fault, for staying out here?" He asked her. Emma thought about it. She knew for a fact it would be her fault but wasn't going to admit that. "Of course it wouldn't." She mumbled. "Why do you say that, hm?" He gave her a curious look. "I mean, you could just pick me up. Then I could sleep, like I want to, and get home, like you want me to." She suggested. "But I always pick you uppp." He groaned. "Why can't you just walk?" He asked. "I'm too tired." She starting kicking her legs, a little tantrum starting to form. "Pick me up." She demanded
"No. I'm not going to pick you up." He sighed. She sat up onto her knees. "But, I want to be picked up!" She began to cry. Ray shook his head. "I said no and I'm sticking with that answer." He crossed his arms. Looking away. "Fine, let's make a deal. If you pick me up I'll give you something in return, deal?" She asked, attempting to get up off the ground which it worked but she was still wobbly. Ray thought about it for a minute. He didn't want to agree but if he could use the deal to get her to do her homework it was worth it then. "Alright, I guess. Get onto my back." He turned away from her. Emma smiled and jumped up onto his back without hesitation. She felt some pride and leaned her head onto his shoulder. Ray began walking slowly. He was partially tired himself but continued on without complaining. "You're very handsome, you know that." Emma whispered softly in his ear. Ray stopped in place. "Eh-" He turned to look at her but she was passed out. Emma had no idea what she just said. Her subconscious mind was still in a daze from being tired. Ray felt his face heat up as he continued to walk.
Once he got back he placed her in her bed and covered her with the blankets before sitting down in his own bed and getting some of his work done.
Emma woke up a couple hours later. To be more specific four hours later and looked around. "Oh, I'm back in the house again." She said to herself, getting up and out of bed. The girl had a bad feeling about something but couldn't seem to put her finger on what it was exactly. She sighed and adjusted her eyes. The lights were off and when she looked over at Ray he was asleep. Usually he'd stay up reading but he was probably just to tired today. She grabbed her pillows and blankets, heading over to his bed on the other side of the room. The redhead set her stuff down on the floor besides his bed and shook him awake
"Hm, what do you want Emma?" He asked, sitting up to look at her better. "Well, I don't know. Something feels off and I'm stressed." She looked down, grabbing her pillow tightly as she began feeling anxious. "Uh, is there anything I can do for you? Like maybe water, or some medicine to help you sleep?" He looked down, noticing her pillow then blanket. "Well, I was kinda hoping to lay down in your bed. I felt lonely but I totally understand if it's not ok!" She was pretty nervous and it showed on her face. Ray thought for a minute. "Ok, but stay on this side of the bed." He patted to the spot next to him and laid back down. "Of course! Thank you!" She placed her pillow and blanket down in the designated spot. She laid her head down and tried to fall back asleep but to no avail. Ray didn't have trouble falling asleep but noticed she did. Emma tossed and turned a lot and seemed to be in pain maybe. "Hey, Emma. Are you alright? Something seems to be troubling you." He sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. Emma got up as well and nodded. "Yeah I can't seem to sleep. It's fine I'll go back to my own bed now so I'm not troubling you." She tried getting off the bed but was pulled back. "Hm?" She questioned, turning back around. "You don't have to. We can work on you homework if you want?" He suggested, letting go of her wrist. Usually, Emma would have disagreed and argued about it but there wasn't much else to do. "Sure." She smiled and walked to grab her bag which she quickly spotted near her bed. She took out all the homework she had and the extra work she had. Then she grabbed a pencil and sat back down on his bed. "I would be grateful if you would help me." She closed her eyes and looked down. "Of course. Looks like there's a lot. Try it by yourself first and if you need help let me know." He leaned back against the wall and stared at her. Emma got her homework done all by herself after a while. It was easier since not only has she learned new things but it was quiet. She wasn't stressed about work and it took her mind off the other thing she was stressed over. Whatever that was... She hadn't even realized she'd finished until she went to go onto the next paper but there was no more. "Ray, I finished!" She said proudly and sat up straight. Ray who had been falling asleep opened his eyes and smiled. "Congratulations, Emma. You did good." He gave her a thumbs up. "Don't forget to put it in you bag this time." He teased. She rolled her eyes and got up, setting the homework in her bag, plus the homework from the day before she hadn't turned in yet. "Everything's ready for tomorrow." She hopped back onto his bed. "You should get some rest Emma. If your feeling better of course." He suggested. Emma leaned against and nodded. "Yeah I'm feeling sort of tired. If you don't mind me laying here I'm gonna get some rest now." She closed her eyes and yawned softly, starting to fall asleep again. Ray felt his heart beating faster as once again he became flustered again. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on the girls. "Goodnight Emma." He said in a muffle

"Goodnight, Ray."

/ I HAVE BEEN ON VACATION FOR A BIT AND HAD NO IDEAS FOR A NEW CHAPTER BUT FINALLY I DID IT. Here you guys go and I'll be doing a q and a soon for any questions you may have about me:) BYE BYE!/ (PS sorry it's so short)

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