Chapter Three.

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Emma was trying to sleep but after a while realized she couldn't. She threw a blanket over her head, got up, and turned the light back on. "Ray.." She mumbled. Ray sighed and sat back up. He hadn't even gotten the chance to fall asleep yet. "What is it?" He asked tiredly, scratching the back of his head. Emma stood still for a minute. "I can't sleep." She wobbled back and forth as if she was going to fall to the ground any minute. "Why?" He asked, slipping off the covers; and sitting with his legs hanging off the bed. Here he thought he had a chance of getting a 'good amount of sleep tonight. "I don't know, I just can't." She shrugged and sat on the ground, as she could feel herself being to fall. Ray sighed and got up. He sat next to the redhead, bringing his knees up to his chest. "Is something bothering you?" He mumbled to his knees, glancing at Emma. Emma slowly leaned against him. "I don't think so?" She said, confusing herself. "The problem is I'm tired but can't sleep." She soon easily started to fall asleep, it was as if she was forcing herself awake. Ray nodded a bit, "yeah, you definitely can't sleep." He mumbled, sarcastically. The black-haired male then closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep himself. Emma hugged him and fell asleep. She woke up the next morning and groaned. She wasn't in the mood for anything. Ray was still sound asleep by the time Emma woke up since it had taken him a while to get to sleep after that. Emma tried to get up but didn't want to. "Ray won't mind if we sleep a little more." She mumbled to herself, easily falling back asleep for a while. After a while, Ray finally stirred awake. He was a bit shocked that he wasn't waking up to Emma yelling and banging pots or pans together. "What time is it..?" He mumbled to himself. Ray got up, and quickly checked the time; realizing they had woken up late. He groaned, and then bent down next to Emma; shaking her awake. "Wake up. We're late to wake up." Emma shook her head and laid flat on her stomach, kicking her legs; slamming them on the ground over and over again. "No, I don't wanna go. I don't care if we're late." She whimpered and remembered the homework she had to do, but she didn't want to do it. Ray sighed and then got up. He didn't have time to deal with her temper tantrum, he needed to focus on getting to school. Quickly, Ray got into his school clothes; and gathered all his supplies. He grabbed his bag and walked over to Emma. "Are you ready to get up now, or am I going to school without you?" He asked. Emma looked up at him. "Stay." She mumbled and sat up a bit. If he didn't agree she would just beg him till he did. Ray let out a sarcastic laugh, before rolling his eyes. "Nice try, Emma. Unlike you, I care about my grades." He said bitterly, beginning to walk away. "So if you aren't coming, I guess you can stay here along all day." He shrugged. She slid herself over to him and grabbed his leg. "Please don't go, I don't wanna be alone all day, it's scary!" She cried out and continued kicking her legs like a little kid. Ray groaned, "Either you stay here, or come with me then!" He said, clearly annoyed. He shook the girl off his leg and glared down at her. He felt too tired to calmly deal with her. Emma positioned herself right back on the ground. "I don't want you to go! Please stay with me!" She was crying and screaming, despite her age, she still had the personality of a five-year-old. Ray ran his hand through his hair, sighing angrily. "What has gotten into you today, Emma?!" He shouted, obviously getting irritated with her now. Ray just wanted to peacefully get to school, so he could get his work done. Emma flinched a bit and began shaking, she started crying even more. "Y-you yelled at me!" She continued stomping her feet and tried to wrap herself around his leg again. Ray groaned loudly, and grabbed Emma by her arm; pulling her up so she was standing. "Listen, I know you have the mind of a five-year-old sometimes, but isn't this a bit much?" He complained, tapping his foot impatiently on the ground. "Why are you acting like this today?" Emma tried to pull away, she was still really tired and didn't feel like herself, making her whiny in the morning. "Let me go! Stop!" She cried out. Ray sighed, "Aren't you the one who was upset about their grades yesterday?" He asked, keeping a firm grip so she wouldn't try and getaway. "If you were that upset, you wouldn't be trying to skip school." Emma stomped her feet. "Ow let go of my arm!" She cried out, it hadn't hurt she was just being dramatic. "I do care about my grades I'm just tired!" "Your overreacting. We almost got the same amount of sleep last night; I got less than you." Ray explained, loosening his grip a bit, in case he was hurting her. "So you should be fine." He sighed. Emma looked down and hugged him. "Please don't go.." She said softly, somewhat quietly, and gave puppy eyes, trying to guilt-trip him. Ray shook his head and pulled away a bit, mumbling something incoherent to himself. "Why are you doing this today, Emma? We both have work to do at school." Ray said, trying to be calmer about this now. Emma shrugged. "I don't wanna do work. It's hard. I'm not any good, it's not fair!" She tried to slide onto the floor again. Ray shrugged, "Well sitting here and not doing it won't help you get any better, Emma." Ray said, sitting on her bed; letting his legs dangle off the sides. "If you refuse to go to school, or do your work; you'll never get any better." He explained calmly. Emma looked down, crying a bit. "But." She shook her head, knowing there was no use in arguing. "Can't you please just stay home today?" She asked. Ray sighed, and finally just gave in. "Fine. But only this once." He said, running his fingers through his hair. "At least try and get your homework done if you can." He added. Emma looked up at him and smiled; getting up and hugging him. "Thank you, thank you!" I promise I'll try my best to get it done!" She said cheerfully, it wasn't hard for her to switch moods. Ray refrained from sighing, and he got up. He walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for the two of them to eat. He felt like with Emma's mood swings right now, it was going to be a long day. Emma laid down for a bit before grabbing her blanket and walking out to the kitchen, wanting to see what was for breakfast, even though she was tired she was hungry. "Ray I'm hungry!" She whined. Ray glanced over at her and nodded. "Yeah, yeah. The food will be ready soon, don't worry." He said as he pulled two plates out, and put them on the kitchen table so they could eat. Emma sat down at the table and started kicking her legs back and forth. "Is it done yet?!" She asked, leaning her head on her hand. Ray rolled his eyes, grabbing the food; and setting it on her plate. "Stop being so whiny." He said and then sat down. He put some food on his plate; started eating it. "Yay food!" She immediately started eating. A while later she finished, but with her careless eating, she had made a mess all over her face. Ray finished his food and put his plate in the sink. He looked over at Emma and facepalmed. The black hair male grabbed a cloth, and wet it in the sink. Walking over to Emma, he wiped off the food and crumbs from her face. Emma pulled away a bit. "What are you doing to my face?" She struggled against him but there was no use. Ray finished wiping her face, "You had food all over it." He said blatantly and put the dirty cloth away somewhere. "Now, go do your homework." He said sternly, leaning against the kitchen counter. Emma groaned. "Can't I wait a little longer to do it, it's still kinda early?" She whined and got up, throwing her blanket over her head. "If you keep putting it off, you'll never get it done." Ray stated, starting to see a pattern in her worth ethic. She'd keep saying she'd do it later, but then she'd never do it. Emma thought for a minute "I'll get it done quickly later, I wanna go lay down!" She ran off, back into her room, and jumped up onto her bed. Ray sighed and walked into their bedroom. He took out some of his notes for school, deciding if he couldn't go; he's just going to study as much as he could.

//I am sleepy so this chapter wasn't as good as the other ones- I'll update this story tomorrow when I wake up.//

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