Chapter one (2)

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Ray was still ahead of her, almost at the front of the school now, he had gotten even more ahead after she had stopped, too. Emma stayed behind him with a grin on her face. "As per Emma tradition! I must do this!" She placed her hands on his shoulders and jumped up. Wrapping her arms and legs around him. Ray let out a startled yelp, he hadn't expected it. "It's hardly even a race anymore!" Ray laughed, continuing to run closer, and closer to the school. Emma let out a little giggle. "Well, it's Emma tradition. If you run ahead of me I have free rights to jump onto your back." She ran her hand through his hair. "Since when was that a rule?" He questioned, stopping at the front of the school, waiting for her to get off his back. Emma shrugged and kept her placement on his back. "Since I made it up! I took it upon myself to make it a rule." She began to play with his hair. "Uhuh. Right." He laughed a bit. "Alright, get down, we have classes to attend." She groaned. "Do I have to? I like it right here, plus. I really don't want to go to class." Ray sighed. "Well, we do have to go to class. We're already here anyway." He huffed. Emma whimpered and placed her head down onto his shoulder. "Can't I just, you know. Fake sick?" She asked him. Ray shook his head. "You basically did that yesterday, so my answer is no. That's final." Emma grinned in a teasing way. "Well, what if I did? I mean, you wouldn't know. If I did it during the day, went home. Then quickly came back at the end of school and waited for you. It would be like I was there all along, and people still think I'm not smart." He rolled his eyes. He stopped listening to her halfway through. "Yeah, yeah. Enough of that, come on let's get to class. Remember, you have finished homework to turn in." Emma froze. When they were getting ready for school, Emma had to pretend to be doing something. So when she kneeled in front of her bag and pretended to go through it. She spotted her homework she put in there the night before and took it out for some reason. The only problem was she forgot to put it back in there, only because she thought she didn't need it, or there was absolutely no use to have it in her bag. It was mostly because she never did her homework. So the one time she did she had forgotten and thought, 'Wait, I don't do my homework. I don't need this in my bag, it just takes up space." Emma snapped back into reality again. "Uh, R-Ray?" She trembled nervously. Ray raised an eyebrow, cocking his head. "What's up?" He bent down, letting the other climb off him. She carefully got off his back but immediately turned her head to the ground. "Please don't get mad at me." She clasped her hands together tightly, "But I might have left my homework back at the house.." Ray blinked a few times. "What—" He was trying to process that. Emma rubbed the back of her head. She seemed to be very nervous. "I forgot my homework. I'm very sorry, please forgive me." He blinked a few times more, before groaning. "Fine. Whatever. It's fine. We can bring it in tomorrow, along with whatever homework we might have tonight." He sighed, heavily. She stared at him for a minute. Her eyes were filling up with tears. "Ray, are you mad at me? You seem to be upset." Emma choked out, her voice was not sounding as good. She tried her hardest not to blink. She didn't want any tears to fall down her face. He frowned. "I am. Slightly annoyed." He noticed her tears, sighing. "It's nothing to cry about." Emma turned away from him. "Hey! I'm not crying!" She crossed her arms and walked off. "I guess I'll go to class if you really want me to go." She sniffled. "But you—" He shook his head, realizing it wasn't worth it. "Whatever you say." Ray scoffed, beginning to walk to his own class. She walked slowly but before she actually entered her class she ran over to him as quick as possible and hugged him tightly. Ray paused for a minute, hesitantly hugging her back. He's kinda confused by the gesture, in all honesty. Emma stayed hugging him for a couple of seconds before walking off without saying a word. She wiped her eyes and smiled to herself, walking into her class. He scratched the back off his head. "Huh." He shrugged, then walked off to his own class. Emma tried to pay attention during class. She was, in fact truly smart. The only reason she didn't get good grades was because she simply didn't try. It bored her to much so she didn't pay attention. That made her miss out on a lot of things, but she learned everything fast. That's what kept her in school. Ray had been taking notes all day in school. He was always known as, "The smart kid." Or "The good kid." To be honest, Ray didn't mind the teasing. The only thing he had his mind on everyday was school and Emma. That's it. That's all he needed. Emma had gave up on focusing after a while, she decided to just lay her head down. Emma hadn't even realized she fell asleep until the bell woke her up to go. Still, she fell back asleep, totally forgetting she was still in class. That was gonna be awkward later.

/IM SORRY I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN A WHILE- Since I was sick this story wasn't as good. I'm trying my best to update my stories but also taking care of my mental health- I'll update maybe next week. Or this week Idk. For now, bye bye!!!\

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