Story 6 - A tea party

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Cassandra is walking down the hall when she hears a Ruddiger chatter and her daughter laugh.

Cassandra looks into the girl's bedroom to see Varian wearing a bright pink dress and Ulla is sitting there also in a dress. And they are all having a tea party.

Varian – Hello madam Cassie. Would the fairest lady in the land acquaintance us in a tea party?

Varian said while holding up his tea. Even Ruddiger was wearing a little suit for the occasion.

Cassandra - *giggles* I think I'll pass.

Ulla – Please Mommy....

Varian and Ulla – Please....

They both said with their puppy eyes and they both had adorable bucktooth smiles.

Cassandra looked at them and couldn't say no.

Cassandra – All right. As long as I get a seat next to my prince.

Varian gave her a smile and moved over and Cassandra sat with them. Cassandra cuddled up with Varian's arm.

That's when Amber showed up in her normal outfit but you knew she was fancy cause her hair wasn't in pigtails and she wasn't wearing her goggles.

Amber – I have accepted the invite and brought snacks!

Amber pulled out a tray with cookies and cupcakes. Immediately Ulla and Ruddiger started eating them excitedly.

Varian – You know how to bake?

Amber – No! Duh, I just went to Corona's bakery and sweet shop and got some stuff from there. No big deal.

Cassandra – *spits out her water that was supposed to be pretend tea* You did WHAT!!!!!

Amber – Just went to Corona.


Amber – What. It's only a couple.... Ok, it's far. But I'm older.

Varian – Your TEN!!!

Amber - .... Food anyone?

Ulla – Yeah! And no yelling at the table. This is a fancy tea party.

Amber sat down next to Ruddiger who kept eating whatever she had on her plate. And Cassandra was glaring at Amber the whole time... Amber has gotten used to this after 10 years though. So Amber didn't care.... But Varian.... Let's just say he wasn't as chilled out as Amber was about an angry Cassandra.

(Amber ended up being grounded for a month.... Her alchemy was also taken away for that month. But she did have a bunch of tea parties to attend in that month. And a lot of how to be the best princess lectures.... She was fine though. She loves her sister... even if she drives her crazy sometimes.) 

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