Judge's Suggestion part 1

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Comments in this chapter from the judges and participants are appreciated


First of all, all of you have done a great job. Keep it up!!

1: Guys please add a BLURB. "Hello this is my first ff or mentioning lead's age" is not something to be written in blurb. Blurb is a summary of the story. If you all have novel at your house just check out the back of the cover. There is a blurb added that gives an idea to readers wether to read thr book or not

2: One needs guts to write on a period story. One major problem is SETTINGS. Writers please stop using modern english like "Guys, yup...etc" right now. Its 20th century. Even the names are modern. Use old names, donot forget the story us set in bengal so surnames and names should be old bengali one. Seek help from other bengali writers here,put some effort n make it authentic, donot make it modern.

3: Most of you have major problem of white room syndrome. White room syndrome is when you donot describe the scene properly when what are the readers suppose to imagine hence it is called white room syndrome.Please be descriptive. Describe the emotions in 2-3 paras not in 2-3 lines. Elaborate the scenes.

4: plese its a request not to use emojis.
If you want to show a character laugh or cry, write it in words not emojis. If you are adding picture that is fine but plese take the pain to write the physical apperance. Writting us not a piece of cake. You cannot ignore hard works and just add a emoji. Have u ever seen a book with emoticons? You are a writer not a texter. To gain someting you nee to work hard so instead of using the emojis, pen down the emotions and believe me reader will be more attache to the characters uf u can explain the emotions instead of emojis.

I know I have written a long one❤️❤️🥰sorry for tgat but yeah these are the message I want to give.


The setting
Yes they need to focus on setting.
They fail to depict that era.
Modern songs and modern dailogues how much I hate it.
Only ShivaHolic was able to depict that era other three failed.


There is a blurb problem in almost all stories which is pretty not good and a suggestion to make Bondita's character more strong.



Work on expressions and most importantly give a blurb, it attracts more readers. Donot make things bland, keep them engaging and fun. Set story properly. Mist stories failed to give 1920 vibes. Donot shift things directly to love, it is pretty unrealistic. U guys can always improve. Donot see me as a rude and harsh person. I have given the most honest review I can. I have just stated where you all all need to improve. keep writing and writing

To be continued.....

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