01. universe vs phoebe

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universe vs phoebe

        SHE JUST COULDN'T understand why

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        SHE JUST COULDN'T understand why. Why he would text her and tell her that what they had wasn't working when it had been working for two years. (It would have been three in October.) Phoebe Miller knew all about heartbreak, she'd just never experienced it actually. Sure, there was the time when her dad had told her that she couldn't marry Harry Styles when she was 11 and she'd been absolutely devastated (she was a very dramatic kid), but that was nothing compared to how she felt now.

        Phoebe didn't know how to accurately describe it. She'd placed her heart in the palm of EJ Caswell's hand and entrusted him with it. He'd left for theater camp and he'd squeezed his hand shut, crushing her heart.

        Phoebe couldn't sleep, not with the first day of senior year being tomorrow. (Today, actually.) It would be the first time she saw EJ in the four weeks since he broke up with her. With the time being 7:00 am, the sound of foot steps coming up the stairs is what caught Phoebe's attention. It was her mom going to wake up her brother. She'd been scribbling down lyrics, her computer open in front of her with an online piano so she didn't make that much noise.

        Phoebe glanced at the time on her computer and then looked over to see light peeking through her curtains. The brunette sighed and pushed her things away from her to get dressed. Phoebe used to ride with EJ to school due to the 45 minute difference between East High and Jack's school. Clearly, she couldn't do that anymore. Phoebe's eyes flickered down at the East High Leopards hoodie she was wearing. In blocky letters on the back was the word 'Caswell'. Phoebe had stolen it from EJ when she'd gone over to his house one time. He'd never asked for it back.

        Phoebe'd been living in the hoodie, convincing herself that it smelled like him even though his smell had gone away a while ago. It just brought comfort. She frowned as she pulled it over her head. She couldn't wear it to school today. That would be a different type of pathetic Phoebe wasn't ready to become. She pulled on a simple black hoodie and high waisted jeans.

        Phoebe's alarm went off and she rushed to turn it off. Her door opened, making her jump. Katherine turned on the light, blinding Phoebe momentarily. "You're awake," Katherine pointed out and Phoebe wanted to roll her eyes and say 'obviously'. Katherine nodded and turned to walk out. "Put concealer over your eye bags, they look horrible. Don't take long, either."

        Katherine Miller wasn't a bad mom. She was a boy mom. Nothing Jack Miller did was wrong, just whatever Phoebe did. The only thing that Phoebe possibly got right? EJ Caswell. And she even managed to mess that up.

        Phoebe stood outside of East High School. (The school that High School Musical was shot at.) She felt kind of stupid, it was 8:11 in the morning. Barely anybody was outside and the doors didn't officially open until 8:20. She walked towards one of the benches to sit down and pulled out her phone.

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