03. chaos

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        "PHOEBE," CLARA LIGHTLY pushed the girl's shoulder

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"PHOEBE," CLARA LIGHTLY pushed the girl's shoulder. Clara had moved Phoebe's head to her lap and allowed the girl to sleep for a few extra minutes while Miss Jenn decided the cast list. (Clara was pretty sure it was supposed to take a couple of days, but she wasn't a theater kid so she wasn't sure.) "Auditions are over, get up!"

EJ walked by and paused for a moment. "She's a heavy sleeper so unless you want to wake her up with a kiss, your best bet is to kind of say something loudly in her ear, but not too loud 'cause she'll punch you."

"Got it," Clara replied dryly. She waited for him to leave, but he didn't. "You can go now." EJ rolled his eyes and walked away. Clara scoffed and leaned down so her lips were near Phoebe's ear. "Wake up!" Phoebe jerked awake, throwing her arm up as she did so. Clara winced as Phoebe's hand came in contact with her face. "Ow."

"Oh my god," Phoebe explained, quickly sitting up and looking at Clara. "I'm so sorry. You scared me!"

"Yeah," Clara groaned. "I can tell. Well, at least EJ's useful for some things."

Phoebe furrowed her brows at that but decided not to ask. Instead, she looked around and saw only a few people were there. "Where is everyone? How long was I asleep?"

"Miss Jenn and Carlos are deciding on the casting list," Clara answered, standing up. She offered Phoebe her hand, the brunette took it and stood up. "And maybe about 15 minutes?"

"Oh," Phoebe blinked. "It felt longer. Oh, God." Her eyes widened in horror. "Was I snoring?"

"No. Don't worry," Clara shook her head, chuckling lightly. "Hey, Bee. . . that song. . . the one about EJ and Nini-"

"Who said it was about EJ and Nini?" Phoebe asked, crossing her arms defensively. Clara tilted her head at her, and Phoebe faltered. "Okay, fine. Continue."

"I mean, I knew you could sing but wow I did not know you could write like that!" The redhead exclaimed. She gripped Phoebe's arm like an eager kid. "Do you have anything else?"

"Yeah, 'course," Phoebe nodded. Clara opened her mouth but Phoebe quickly cut her off. "No, I am not going to share them with you. They're all very heartbreak-y."

"Heartbreak-y isn't a word, Bee," Clara told her, Phoebe simply rolled her eyes. "Just show me at least one!" Phoebe pursed her lips. "Please!"

"None of them are even done yet," Phoebe sighed. "I was going through mild writers block before I wrote Pretender."

"I'm posting the cast list!" Carlos announced, walking past with a group of teenagers following behind him. Phoebe and Clara shared a look before following the others into the hallway, interrupting a conversation between Nini and someone else. Phoebe furrowed her brows at the boy from the hallway but ignored it.

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