06. a billion sorrys

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a billion sorrys

        PHOEBE HAD MISSED the entire day, by the time her hair was done and she and James had finished lunch, there had been no point in going to school

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PHOEBE HAD MISSED the entire day, by the time her hair was done and she and James had finished lunch, there had been no point in going to school. She felt guilty for missing the rehearsal, but it was a dance rehearsal and she wasn't really needed. Phoebe walked down the halls the next morning. Clara had been dragged away by one of her friends, so Phoebe was wandering while she waited for the bell to ring.

"Okay, first of all, I love your new hair," Nini joined Phoebe's side. Phoebe's hair had been evened out with shorter pieces of her hair dyed lavender that framed her face. Phoebe's hair was naturally a bit wavy, so it went well with the cut.

"Thank you," Phoebe smiled at her. "What's the second thing?"

"Okay, so, my phone goes missing Tuesday after rehearsal, right?" Nini began, Phoebe nodded. "And I spend forever looking for it but it's not home and it's not at school, but then I found it yesterday in the lost and found after school. So I go to rehearsal to find out that Gina supposedly texted Miss Jenn and I asking to come in earlier so she can pitch this crazy dance in the middle of Stick To The Status Quo." Nini shook her head, realizing she was taking to long to get to the point. "Long story short, I think Gina stole my phone."

Phoebe blinked, slightly taken aback. "What?"

"Think about it," Nini told her. "Gina steals my phone, schedules a meeting that she knows I'll miss, and makes Miss Jenn mad at me because of that."

"Nini," Phoebe sighed. "Honestly, it sounds like you lost your phone and Gina just scheduled a meeting not knowing that you lost your phone."

"I don't think so," Nini dismissed the idea. "I think she'd do anything to get the part of Gabriella. She tried to kill me yesterday when she was teaching me the new dance she came up with."

"Even if she was trying to sabotage you, and I'm not saying she is, I'm still your understudy," Phoebe pointed out.

"She'd take me out, and then she'd take you out." Nini was clearly set on the idea that Gina was trying to take her role. Phoebe had hardly interacted with Gina, so she didn't think it was right to jump to conclusions. "Okay, come on. I need to show you something." Nini took Phoebe's hand and dragged her to the library.

"Nini what's going on-" EJ turned and stopped when he saw Phoebe. His eyes flickered to her hair. The most Phoebe had ever cut her hair was to trim it. She looked happier. He couldn't tell if it was just the lighting or if she was glowing. "Nice hair."

"Thanks," Phoebe offered him a tight-lipped smile before turning to Nini. "What's going on?"

Nini looked around before dropping her bag on the floor and motioning for them to look inside. EJ bent down and and opened it, revealing a pair of shoes with pink laces. Phoebe furrowed her brows, not getting exactly what she was supposed to be getting. "Cool shoes?"

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