⚜️ Chapter 4 ⚜️

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Hansol groaned as he fell onto his bed. After the meeting with his family, all he wanted to do was dig a hole and die in it. The meeting happened days ago- 3 days to be exact but he still couldn't wrap his head around it.

His parents had just announced that they were holding a ball in honor of Hansol's coronation and to find him a suitable partner. As cliché as it sounds, it was a real thing. "Han hyung, did you- oh gosh, are you ok?"

Yuta barged into his older brother's room just to see the older laying on his bed, thinking about life and how much it failed him. "Do I look ok?" Hansol retorted with sarcasm laced in his words. "Yeesh, chillax." Yuta told Hansol and sat down beside him on his bed.

"You should be thankful that King Lee and Queen Lee don't scold you about using slangs." Yuta looked at his brother sadly, hearing how he calls their parents. "Why don't you call them Eomma and Appa?" Hansol sat up straight and faced the younger.

"They told me to.." Yuta looked at the older in confusion. "Why-" "That's because you're their favorite... If you realize, you're the only one who calls them Eomma and Appa.. Not even our other brother calls them that."

That made Yuta feel sad. "Why am I their favorite? You and hyung are way better than me!" Yuta exclaimed. Hansol shook his head. "Hey! You're just as good as us two. Don't put yourself down just to make us feel better."

Yuta nodded and smiled mischievously. "Oh, hyung~" Just as Hansol was about to ask why, Yuta tackled him down to the floor and started to playfully beat him up. They may be princes but they're still both boys.

"Oh- you'll pay for that!" Hansol started to defend himself and attack the younger as well, resulting in both of them roughhousing around the older prince's room. "I'm gonna get you-" "What in heaven's name is happening?"

The two brother's stopped fighting and quickly fixed themselves to look presentable to the person who just barged into the room. "Jaehyun-ssi..." Yuta said awkwardly. "Yuta, didn't I tell you to just call me hyung?" Jaehyun asked.

Yuta nodded and remained silent. "What are you doing here, King Jung?" Hansol asked the king of their neighboring kingdom. "I was just passing by when I heard some thumps and screams so I decided to check it out..."

Jaehyun gave both princes a smile. "Turns out, the both of you are just playing around." Hansol nodded. "That we are..." The three boys stood there in silence before Yuta, being the youngest and most naive broke it.

"You wanna join us, Jaehyun hyung?" The 19 year old asked the 20 year old king. "Join you guys in what?" Jaehyun asked before Hansol could scold Yuta for his improper language. "PLAYING OF COURSE!" Yuta answered happily.

Jaehyun thought of it for a while. "I have a better idea.." That seemed to peak the younger's interest. "That is, if King Hansol would allow.." Yuta looked at his older brother. "Please~" Hansol pushed Yuta away as he was getting too close.

"First of all- I'm not yet the king, King Jung. Second of all- I don't even know the idea yet... How am I supposed to agree to anything?" Hansol said. Yuta pouted and faced Jaehyun. "What's the idea, hyung?" Jaehyun smiled.

"I was wondering if we could perhaps..." "Perhaps...?" "Roam around the village?" Jaehyun finally dropped down his idea. "Roam around the village? Of course I'll agree to that!" Hansol said. "I'll just tell the King and Queen then round up the guards-"

"Without anyone knowing.." Hansol stopped talking and stared at the younger weirdly. "You want us-" Hansol pointed at the three of them. "To roam around the village, without any guards, AND you don't want the Queen and King to know?"

Jaehyun nodded. "Pretty much.." Yuta nodded excitedly at his hyung. "Can we? Can we? I want to explore our village without those pesky guards watching our every move." Hansol shook his head uncertainly.

"Come on~ Don't you want to have some fun before you become king?" Jaehyun tried to bribe the older. "I don't know...." "Come on, hyung! It will be fun!" Yuta tried to convince his brother. "Where's our brother? Your husband?"

Hansol changed the subject and asked Jaehyun about the whereabouts of his brother. "Not here, as usual... So, what do you say?" Jaehyun brought back the topic. Hansol sighed. "I guess..." "YAY!" "But-" Hansol butted in.

"Make sure we don't get caught." Yuta and Jaehyun nodded to Hansol's request. "Of course, King Hansol." Hansol rolled his eyes. "Don't call me King Hansol, King Jung." Jaehyun smirked. "Don't call me King Jung then."

Hansol nodded. "Don't call me anything then." Yuta suddenly spoke up making Jaehyun laugh and Hansol hit the back of his head. "What? You guys don't call me anything! Only Yuta!" "That's because-" Hansol ruffled Yuta's perfectly made hair.

"You don't have anything to be proud off." Yuta gasped offendedly. "Rude- I do! It's just that no one calls me Prince Yuta." The older ones began too laugh and soon after, all three of them were laughing. "We'll leave in 5 minutes."

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