⚜️ Chapter 7 ⚜️

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Sicheng and Renjun laughed out loudly and played with each other roughly as they roamed around the village. "Then- then- when Kun ge came out of the room with the shampoo bottle-" "He looked like he was about to murder someone with it!"

Both brother's laughed at the memory of Kun running out of the bathroom with a shampoo bottle, thinking someone was attacking his brothers. They were screaming while he was in the shower, what was Kun supposed to think?

"It was just Taeyong hyungie all along!" When Kun came out of the bathroom- towel on his waist, soap bubbles still latched on his body and shampoo bottle in hand, he was greeted with the sight of Taeyong tickling Sicheng.

The two Chinese boys laughed loudly, not caring if any of the other villagers stared at them weirdly. "Remember when we-" Renjun couldn't even finish his sentence when something caught his eye. By something- more like someone.

Well- actually it was some people. "Ge, what are they doing?" Renjun whispered to his older brother in their mother tongue. "Huh- who?" Sicheng furrowed his eyebrows. "Them-" Sicheng looked over at where Renjun was secretly pointing at.

"Oh- do you think they're drunk?" Sicheng wondered, staring at the three people Renjun saw. "Who knows...." The two boys continued to stare at the group of hooded boys who seem to be 'sneaking around' without being 'caught' (at least that's what it looks like).

"Uh- excuse-" Renjun left Sicheng's side without the older knowing and approached the hooded figures. "Oof-" Without warning, one of the men fell on top of Renjun, squishing him like a pancake. The sight was puny to say the least.

"I am so so sorry!" The person apologized, quickly standing up and helping the youngest Qian up. "It's ok-" "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" The other two hooded people came up to them and asked. "I'm fine-" Renjun replied, dusting off his clothes.

"I'm fine..." The other two nodded at the answer and turned to their friend. "Hyung-" One of them said. "Why did you bump into him?" The person who bumped into Renjun shrugged sheepishly. "I guess, I wasn't looking at where I was heading..."

Just then, Sicheng decided to push off his social anxiety to the back of his head and head towards his brother. "What happened?" Sicheng asked his brother, completely ignoring the other three people that were there.

"Nothing- I just got run over by a giant." Renjun told his brother sarcastically. "Well- you do look like a flat pancake now-" Sicheng laughed as Renjun hit his arm. "Who are you guys, if you don't mind us asking?" Renjun brought his attention to the other three and asked.

The three hooded people seemed to talk amongst themselves, forgetting the fact that Sicheng and Renjun were still there. "Uhh- who we are doesn't matter." One of them says. "Do you perhaps know where the bakery is?" Another one spoke up and asked.

Sicheng looked at Renujun. "You aren't from around these parts, are you?" Sicheng commented. They shrugged. "You could say that...." Sicheng shrugged their answer off and grabbed the shorter of the three's hand.

"Come with us! We'll show you where the bakery is!" The hooded boy looked at Sicheng's smile in awe then looked at their clasped hands. "Come!" The other two figures shrugged and followed Sicheng and their other friend as they head to the bakery.

"Here we are!" They stopped walking and faced the bakery. Sicheng unheld the boy's hand and faced him. "This bakery has one of the finest bread ever! We rarely eat it as it is expensive but it's amazing!"

The three boys nodded in awe as they stared at the store. "What? Haven't seen a bakery filled with bread before?" Renjun suddenly came up from behind the group, scaring all of them. "Well, uh- actually-"

"Of course we've seen bakeries before." One of them quickly covered the mouth of the boy who Sicheng grabbed the hand of before he could finish what he was supposed to say. "Uhmm... Alright then?"

All of them stared at each other in silence before the sound of the bell rang from the bakery door. "Do- do you want some bread?" The hooded men nodded and followed the brothers in the shop. "Hi! Hi!" A baker greeted the boys.

"Hi, Ten hyung~" The brothers greeted the baker. "Oh- you brought others!" Ten exclaimed in shock. "Welcome to Tenny's Bakery, how can I help you?" The boys that Sicheng and Renjun found and brought with looked around the bakery in amazement.

"Do you have cakes?" The one who trampled over Renjun asked the owner. Ten shook his head sadly. "We sadly don't sell cakes..." The person who asked sighed in disappointment. "But- I know someone who makes great cakes~"

The guy suddenly gasped in joy. "Who? Who? Who? Who?" Ten smiled and looked at the brothers. "Who else? But Sicheng and Renjunnie's older brother!" Ten exclaimed. Sicheng and Renjun gave out a gasp in realization.

"We should bring you to our house! We can ask gege if he could bake you a cake!" Sicheng says, jumping slightly from his spot. "Wait- your names are Sicheng and Renjun?" Sicheng, Renjun and Ten looked at them in confusion.

"Oh- we haven't introduced ourselves yet, right?" The hooded men nodded. "You guys invited strangers?" Ten scolded. "In our defense-" Renjun began. "It first of all slipped our mind to introduce ourselves to them...."

"But since we now know your names, can we get cake?" The boy received a hit on the head. "Don't be rude!" The one who wanted cake laughed sheepishly as he rubbed his head. The other hooded boy laughed out loud. "Anyways- let's go get cake!"

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