Chapter 23: View from the Top

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Peter was working in his office with the door open when he heard a commotion coming from the bullpen below. He went to the balcony to be greeted by a welcome sight. Neal had arrived and was being mobbed by his team members.

Peter hadn't encouraged him to visit the office that week. It was a positive sign that Neal had chosen to come in on his own. Yesterday Neal was still acting distant at the meeting at June's place. For him to show up today must mean that the morning therapy session had gone well.

Neal tossed his fedora onto the bust of Socrates on his desk and glanced up to see Peter heading down the steps to greet him.

"Don't worry, I'm just making a social call," Neal said. "I figured it was high time to verify no squatters had taken over my prime real estate."

"You came back too soon," Diana said with a moan. "I'd planned to prank your desk."

"And if I'd only known, I'd have saved more files for you," Peter deadpanned. "How will you feel like you're back if you don't spend time in the file vault?"

Before Neal could respond, Hughes came down the stairs to join them.

"I should have known you were the cause," Hughes said, a rare smile breaking out. "The bullpen has been far too quiet lately. It's good to have you back. When you have a moment, come and see me in my office."

Peter watched Neal for his reaction. If he felt any unease, he hid it well. For once, seeing him conceal his emotions was a good thing.

"No time like the present," Neal said cheerfully.

* * * * *

Jacob had warned Neal to expect flashbacks, and he was right. When Neal saw Hughes on the stairs, memories of him in the courtroom and the interrogation room returned in startling clarity. But by the time Hughes shook his hand, he was once more in control. He'd take that as another milestone.

After the meeting, he stopped by Peter's office. "You'll never believe what Hughes told me."

"Let me guess. He wants to sign up to be a member of your crew."

"You knew?"

"I figured it was just a matter of time. I know he regretted missing out on art heist boot camp. You may have to schedule another session."

Peter had a smile on his face but something was troubling him. Neal hoped it wasn't because he'd shown up at the office. He'd gotten the idea on the spur of the moment, buoyed by how well the lunch with Sara had gone. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Agent Weller called. The doctor who conducted the procedure, Erasmus Penfold, jumped bail. He missed an appearance in court this morning. So far the police have been unable to locate him."

"How about Marta?"

"Still locked up, fortunately. Agents are tracking her movements over the weeks leading up to Comic-Con and their efforts are starting to pay off. She was identified as having visited the Ritz-Carlton in Marina del Rey. It's only about ten minutes away. A parking attendant recognized her."

"That's one of the top luxury hotels in the area. Was she alone?"

"That's what the attendant recalls. We suspect she was visiting someone at the hotel."

Neal's mind raced through the possibilities. "Rolf, perhaps? Or Klaus?"

"We're trying to find out. I requested the hotel send us their bookings list. We already have copies of the security camera feeds."

Jones appeared at the doorway. "I heard the news. You want me to contact Win-Win to add Penfold's profile to their facial recognition database?"

Peter gestured for him to take a seat. "Go ahead. Weller's already contacted Interpol." He cast a quick, assessing glance at Neal. "We all know where Penfold's likely headed."

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