Chapter 19: Jigsaw Puzzle

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"Seriously, Peter. That's what we did."

Neal didn't look like he was joshing him, but Peter knew they couldn't have spent the entire time simply working on a puzzle. Neal was with Jacob for two hours. Afterward, he was the most talkative he'd been since being rescued.

That hadn't been the case earlier in the morning. On their way to see the doc, Neal had been as skittish as a probie on his first field assignment. During the initial interview, Peter didn't need to hear Neal admit he wanted to run. The way he perched on the edge of the chair made his desire obvious. Peter didn't doubt for an instant those emotions were still there, but he was controlling them better. "What kind of puzzle is it?"

"It's called Krypt. All the pieces are the same silver color. It's the most fiendishly difficult jigsaw I've ever seen." Neal surprised him by breaking into a genuine smile. That was a rare occurrence these days. "It's German. I suspect Rolf designed it."

"How far did you get?"

"Most of the border is in place," he said, looking satisfied. "I'll return tomorrow to work on it some more."

That was welcome news. "Does that mean you've agreed to daily sessions?"

Neal nodded. "Like the jigsaw, I know there's no quick fix. We talked while working on the puzzle."

"Are the memories fading at all?"

"No." Neal hesitated for a moment. "If anything, they're stronger. Jacob said that's a positive because it shows I'm trying to wrest back control." He winced. "You're probably not surprised that Greco-Roman wrestling was never my strong suit. Don't look so worried. Jacob taught me some trick moves which may give me an edge."

Jacob had clearly scored a hit with Neal. Peter made a mental note to update Tricia in the afternoon. He remembered Neal expressing his fondness for the Arts and Crafts style of Noelle and Joe's new house in Baltimore. Was the fact that Jacob's apartment was decorated in the same style making it easier for Neal to accept? Or was it that Neal realized he was in such a dark place, he recognized he needed help?

"Are we going to the office this afternoon?" Neal asked.

"No, the office is coming to you. I made productive use of the time you were with Jacob. Jones, Diana, and Travis are meeting us at June's. They want to present an idea they've been working on. Jones requested Mozzie attend as well." Peter stopped himself. "Even with the news about Paul Lévy, I still have a hard time adjusting to the fact that my second-in-command has apprenticed himself to your master heist tactician."

"You'll know you're in trouble when Jones starts quoting Sun Tzu and requests Chinese takeout to plan an op."

"Perhaps," Peter said, chuckling. "But for matters concerning Rolf, our resident warped genius is an invaluable asset."

"Do you know what the team's come up with?"

"I'd rather you hear it from them."

* * * * *

Neal scanned the participants gathered around the dining table at June's house. They'd met here so often to discuss Arkham Files plots that Diana joked it had become the White Collar annex. Double leaded-glass doors sealed them off from the staff. June was not meeting with them today but had provided coffee and snacks for the session.

The initial awkwardness of seeing Diana and Jones in person was wearing off. Neal had braced himself beforehand and was ready for the flashbacks. Scenes of the trial quickly faded. Jacob had advised him to picture the jigsaw puzzle whenever unwanted memories resurfaced.

"Diana and I brainstormed on Sunday," Jones said. "The Vermeer painting is clearly the key, and Sun Tzu tells us we can't rely on the chance it won't be used. Instead, we must make our own position unassailable."

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