14. you are an important person❤️

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Hi guys😘

After announcing the winners now it's time for the trophy. Both teams are standing on the stage. Ready to receive the trophy. Taani and Shivam came to the right side stage. Taani and Shivam are clapping for them. Taani is so happy because both teams won this trophy means ST.LOUIS college won the trophy.  

"Okay, guys give them a big hand for DAZZLERS & WEAKLINGS" before Anchor continuous her praising them. Rey stopped and said something in her ear. 

"Okay, guys. There are some corrections to the team name.   THE WINNERS OF THE FOOTLOOSE COMPETITION IS NEITHER DAZZLERS NOR WEAKLINGS " Anchor said with a serious tone. 

"What " Everyone who is standing there. Everyone shouted.  they don't understand anything that is happening there. even Judges were also stunned by this statement. 

Taani's eyes come out of the sockets. She can't understand anything, ALL colors of her face have gone. She looked at Shivam who is standing beside her.  Shivam also looked at her with an 'I don't know anything ' expression. she turned her face with a sad expression. Now her face is filled with tears. She is feeling sad about her friends and her Bhai.  More than that She is feeling sad about Rey. Mainly she can't take Rey losing anything. Seeing him lose is the most painful thing for her. That's why her eyes are filled with tears. 

After saying, something to Anchor Rey is just looking at Taani. when Anchor announced that statement. how Taani's expression changed  Firstly,  How her eyes widened, and how her face colors are faded. looking at her seeing all her expressions are the most fun things he ever watched. but when her face turned sad and her eyes filled with tears,  Rey was shocked, he did not expect this.  he just want to prank on her. 

YES... prank on Taani, When he saw her after the result she is on the ninth cloud. He just wants to know how could she react if it's all not true. He is not excepted her to be like this. but He saw tears in her eyes. He just regrets everything that he did. He signalled to Anchor to complete the sentence. Because He can take anything but not her tears. 

"it's team ST.LOUIS" Anchor announced. Everybody is in the stage just smiled and shouted "ST.LOUIS..........ST.LOUIS" 

"YES, GUY ... THESE TWO TEAMS ARE THE SAME COLLEGE. SO ITS THEIR COLLEGE WIN" Anchor said ending all questions from the audience. now everybody is shouting their college name.

But Taani is still like that. HER eyes are filled with tears. then Shivam looked at her . and 

"Princess, what happened. look at there our college team is won the competition" Shivam said with a happy tone shaking her by holding her shoulder. Rey also looking at her.  when she comes out of her sad land. First, she looked at Shivam and the audience with surprised eyes. 

 Then to confirm this She looked at Rey who is already looking at her. She is looking at him like asking him through her eyes' IS IT TRUE' 

Rey already knows that She will look at him to confirm this news. Rey also doesn't know how he gets that vibes. but He gets to know how will she react next. Maybe he doesn't know what connection they both have. but he knows everything about her looking through her eyes.

Taani still looking at him with curious eyes. Rey also staring at her. when Taani rose her eye borrows with a question mark face. Rey just smiled at her and nodded his head telling her' YES ITS TRUE' 

"O MY GOD" Taani shouted with a happy tone jumping with happiness. Rey staring her and "weird but cute hai," he said under his breath. 

"Shivam, I am so happy, OMG" She just hugged him. Shivam was stunned by her actions. She had just thrown herself on him. her both hands around his neck. Shivam also held her by her waist. Shivam just closed his eyes to feel this moment. His princess is in his arms. More than this He does not want anything for this moment. 

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