Card Games

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(This takes place a month after the last chapter)

(This chapter is mostly to describe the rest of the admins in Dream's old class, and what the group has been doing)

"Uno!" Phan yelled, throwing her arms up into the air. The group of admins had been playing uno, again. They had played uno so many times, that they even started to play other games with the cards. Ever played go fish or rummy with uno cards? They had, and it was much more fun than you think it would be. The group had even made new card games, like one they called "mob enchant".

Wit placed down a yellow one, four more cards left in his hand. Wit gave a knowing smile to his shorter boyfriend Creep, who gave his own smile though in his eyes you could see mischief. Creep was quick to throw down a yellow reverse card, making Wit go again. After a few moments of obviously fake difficulty, he put down a draw four color changer, changing the color to blue and making Phan draw and lose her uno.

"You know, you guys aren't supposed to work together. It's a competition!" Aze said as he put down a blue skip, causing Lin to groan as she was skipped. Dream patted Lin's head patronizingly and placed down a blue plus two.

Then Ender placed her own blue plus two, and then Zom placed a green plus two, and then Gol placed a yellow plus two, Em placing their own yellow plus two. After that Skele placed a blue plus two, then Guard placed a green plus two. Ast looked down as she was forced to draw 14 cards from the deck.

Spid laughed, until she realized that she didn't have any green cards so she had to draw as well. Guar just rolled his eyes with a smile as he placed down a green reverse and Spid had to draw again. Then Ast placed her own green reverse card, causing Spid to give her a giant death glare as she once again drew a card. Guar then placed down a green 2, ending the cycle.

After the two cycles, the game went pretty smoothly. In the end, Guard managed to win the game. His brother, Guar, ruffled his hair with a smile, moving his trident away from his gray, spike-covered tail. Guard had a similar tail, but it was a greenish blue instead of gray. Both brothers had fins stretching off their ears being the same colors as their tail. While Guar had a trident, Guard had a bag of prismarine crystals.

Aze had small glowing orange bars floating around his arms in circles, each arm having two bars around it that floated in opposite directions. He had a makeup brush, which seemed a bit odd for him but he liked it. His best friend, Aze, had white feelers falling from his arms and moving back and forth. His eyes were fully black, causing the usually happy Ast to look very sad with his ever flowing tears. Aze had a handkerchief that he used pretty often on his tears, though it didn't do much.

Wit had dark skin with his bones visible through his skin, much like his cousin Skele. And like Skele, his eye whites were black instead of white. The tall man had a sword sheathed by his side, like always. His boyfriend had given him a few earrings that he wore with pride on one of his ears. Speaking of his boyfriend, Creep had spots of multiple shades of green all over his body, short vines growing from multiple spots on his body. Creep had been given a box of matches, which was fitting considering Creep's love of explosions.

Spid had the same eye whites as Wit, them being black instead of white. She also had multiple other eyes along her face that were much smaller than her main eyes, and she almost always kept her extra eyes closed. She had a glowing potion hung on her belt, and like Moosh's stew it never ran out.

Gol had vines growing down one of their arms, their skin having specks of iron in it. They had an iron nugget in their pocket, and their eyes also had black instead of white in the back. Em had the same black eye whites and had snow specks in their skin that never melted. They had a snowball that, like the specks in their skin, also never melted. The two always smelled like pumpkins and both had pumpkin seed shaped marks on one of their cheeks.

"Good job on winning Guard." Moosh congratulated, picking up the cards and shuffling them. "So, what should we do next?"

"Well, now that I think about it we don't really know what's going on in The Overworld as of recently, do we? Dream, why don't you tell us?" Phan said, causing the attention to all turn to Dream. Dream felt his throat tighten as he remembered The Overworld and people there, and, most of all, what he did there.

"I... I'll try to tell you guys some things, but I... I'm not really..." Dream stuttered out, finding himself unable to talk. Ender put her hand on his hand and moved in back and forth in a comforting manner, the others giving him looks of empathy and words of comfort. God, he had missed them all so much.

"It's okay if you can't talk about it, we all know how hard it can be to talk about our lives there. We didn't mean to try and force you or anything like that, we were just curious what has been happening recently." Wit said as Moosh put Dream's cards next to him.

"Why don't we just play... uhhh... charades!" Skele suggested, the rest of the group agreeing with the idea. Soon enough the group was having a very fun time playing charades and Dream let his old memories slip away from him with a smile. He missed his friends from The Overworld, but he was happy here. And besides, he knew that there was no going back.

Dream was long dead and he knew that he would not be mourned by any, except for maybe by his twin brother Nightmare. But, surprisingly, he was okay with that. As long as Dream kept the memories of the friends he loved so very much, he knew that he would be okay. Plus he knew the truth behind his actions, and that made things at least a little bit better.

Things would be okay. At least... for now they would be.

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