Chapter 1 | The Mandalorian

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Cordelia wakes up and quickly looks around. She sighs in relief when she spots the child sleeping in his cradle next to her. She smiles at him and gently runs her finger over the top of his head.

She didn't know the child, but when she had woken up next to him months ago, she knew that she had to protect him. Those first few days she had tried to remember him, but it just left her with a headache. She couldn't remember anything from before waking up next to him. She could barely remember her first name.

She hears the Nikto approaching and sighs. He was there to take her outside for her water and breakfast. Cordelia hated being apart from the child, especially since their captors didn't care for him. The Nikto unties her from the wall and binds her wrists together in front of her. He pulls her to her feet and starts dragging her outside.

He walks her across the camp and sits her down. Another Nikto approaches with a tray and jug of water. Cordelia quickly gulps down the water before they can take it away. She eats slower, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her skin. When she's finished eating, one Nikto takes the tray while the other pulls her to her feet. He starts leading her to a different building than the one the child is in.

"Hey! What are you doing? I'm supposed to be in that one!" Cordelia says, trying to move towards the other building. He shoves her forward, towards a different building. "Get your hands off me!" She says. She glares at him and starts walking towards the building with the child. He yells something at her in his language and roughly grabs her arm. 

He tugs her towards the other building but she yanks her arm free. He backhands her across the face and she falls to the ground. She sweeps his legs out from under him and he falls down next to her. She quickly pins him down and wraps her hands around his throat. 

Other Nikto rush over. Two of them grab each of her arms and lift her off the other. She struggles to get out of their grip, kicking her feet and twisting her body. She turns her head and sees them dragging her to the different building. She struggles harder until she feels something hit the back of her head. She goes limp as she loses consciousness. 


The Mandalorian watches this happen from his spot on the top of a hill. He realizes that she must be the second part to his bounty. He turns and watches an IG unit approaching the camp.

"Oh, no." He says, as the Nikto notice it. "Bounty Droid."

"Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset." The droid says. One of the Nikto raises his blaster. Before he can fire, the IG unit shoots him, then the surrounding Nikto. One escapes and closes the doors to the buildings. The Mandalorian sighs and gets up.

"Droids." He says. He climbs down the hill and walks into the camp.

"Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset." The droid says as it walks further into the camp. The Mandalorian approaches him.

"IG Unit! Stand down." He says. The droid turns and shoots him. The bolt hits him in the new beskar on his shoulder, knocking him to the ground. He groans as he hits the barrels behind him. "I'm in the Guild!" He says, holding up the tracking fob.

"You are a Guild member? I thought I was the only one on assignment." The droid says.

"That makes two of us." The Mandalorian says, moving to lean against the wall for cover. "So much for the element of surprise."

"Sadly, I must ask for your fob. I have already issued the writ of seizure. The bounty is mine." The IG unit says.

"Unless I'm mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed." He says.

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