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With a screeching sound Taeil's locker closed, then he confirmed to himself it was shut after the door panged loudly. He should get that thing fixed one day, however again- today was not the day. Behind him were some students talking to each other, flailing limbs all over the place. 

"I'm telling you" one student said excited, "they challenged Johnny! And he said yes!" "Oh, he's dead. There is actually no way, he will go against five older students and then win the fight. When's the fight? I wanna watch it-" Taeil simply sighed- who cared? And went outside, behind the school- he felt the need of a fresh cigarette. He walked over to his place of choice, a hidden- in- plain- sight- location, only a big unused soccer field-

There he was met with a- horrific scene. 

Johnny was on the floor, awfully beaten up already- however the punches did not stop. One of the guys sat on top of him and got a good punch into his face- Taeil winced as he knew how that felt- however Johnny got out of another's rockhard grip and closed his hands around the other's neck, choking him and winning the upper hand. Up until this was also defeated by another student nearby, who kicked Johnny's side and thus forced him to roll over.

Now as Taeil watched this, his thoughts were torn. He could go over and tell them to stop. What effect would this have? He'd be beaten up by them too. Taeil was still healing from yesterday, and he was feeling the absence of nicotine in his system. There was no way he could stand up for himself. Besides, why the fuck help him?

So he rummaged through his pockets, watching the fight go on. Sometimes Johnny did have the upper hand, sometimes he had not. Which was still astounding, having the upper hand against five guys? As he felt nothing in his pockets- except for some napkins-, Taeil cursed. He had no lighter, no matches. But a cigarette. Now he would have to watch the fight without his poison of choice.

Why did he leave that damn lighter on the balcony, really. 

However the fight, it had already stopped. The older students retreated, Johnny was laying on the ground, breathing heavily. Sitting up he crawled over to the next tree and leaned on it for support, searching in his pockets for something. Then Taeil's face lit up. Johnny had matches, and in the next second he already lit one.

The fiery glow shone from the match. Weakly the beat up guy blew the match out, bringing the cigarette up to his face. Taeil felt one more time in his pockets, confirming to himself he really did not have any match, any lighter with him. Sighing, he decided to walk over to Johnny- he was beat up anyway- trying to hide his shaking hands. 

His shadow fell over the other, his stance was rather calm on seeing the beat up student. Johnny's face had scratches, a bruise was forming right below his eye, his lips were open on several places, blood was dripping from his nose. The grey- brownish gaze fell on Taeil, a dishevelled eyebrow going up into a lazy questioning look. 

"Got a match for me?" asked Taeil, raising his unlit cigarette, his hand gently trembling from the loss of nicotine. "You smoke?" rasped Johnny, sniffling miserably to stop his bloody nose. "No, i occasionally eat lit cigarettes." Taeil's dead gaze found Johnny's childish eyes, they both looked at each other for a while. 

The bully beat up on the floor, the bullied nicotine addict towering over him. 

Huffing, Johnny reached into his pockets, bringing out the small pack of matches. Quietly thanking him, Taeil quickly lit the match and skillfully the cigarette, shaking the match afterwards and killing it's light. With the first inhale he felt his body already calm down, the buzz in his system slowly relaxing. The first exhale was directly aimed at Johnny, purposely creating a cloud around the other's demolished face. "Keep your head down" he said, lookign at the big crouching figure, "otherwise the blood of your nose will trickle down in in your stomach," - he inhaled a good amount of smoke, heaving it out through his nose- "and too much blood in your stomach can kill you." "I'd rather be dead than fucking lower my head in front of you" snapped the younger. Taeil shrugged. "Then I'll save your life i guess" he replied nonchalantly, sitting down next to the boy. 

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