Chapter 19: You Will Never Know

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The Knights of Ardonia had followed the Deathsinger back into Hailstone with every intention of getting the Tidesinger back and coming home with some answers.

They got neither

Author's note: okay imma be honest, the first half of the chapter did not go where I wanted it to, but we could not think of another way to make it work in the time we had. if any of this story's chapters ever get rewritten, it'll be this one, I swear XD

there was going to be art for this chapter, but I, uh, couldn't finish it. maybe it'll get added later

[EDIT: 07/02/22] not it won't XD


The Knights had followed the Deathsinger all the way from Mt Velgrin to the border of Hailstone in their attempt to bring the Tidesinger back, but after stopping at the healer's house and seeing how Ingressus had willingly handed Achillean over to be helped, their opinions had changed. Their focus had shifted from trying to save the Tidesinger to trying to find out what the Deathsinger wanted with him so badly that he was willing to spare his life a little longer.

Whatever it was, they were sure it couldn't be good. Not if the Deathsinger was involved.

After following them for so long, they had grown to appreciate the Deathsinger's persistence and determination – to have walked the whole way, barely stopping to rest, they had gathered that whatever he was doing was of extreme importance. It merely cemented their suspicions that he was up to no good.

When Ingressus had wrapped Achillean in his robes to hide his markings and began walking him through the Hailstone streets, the Knights hung back behind the mountain pass, not far from the gate into Hailstone, and began formulating a plan. They knew they were not going to make it into the settlement without rousing suspicion and they had no disguises to hand.

"We don't know how many Voltaris are plotting in there. Any other colour and they'll be onto us in seconds," Hubris pointed out, despite knowing he was merely stating the obvious. Everyone knew that waltzing into any Voltaris territory was suicide.

"Which makes me wonder why the Deathsinger hid the Tidesinger's markings..." Ria said, thinking out loud. "It's as though he didn't want the other Voltaris to know he was there..."

"Well, of course not! We just watched him heal the Tidesinger and then walk him into a city of Voltaris. If you ask me, it sounds like the Deathsinger isn't sharing with his clan."

Everyone looked to Hubris and Onyx gave him a stinky side-eye.

"No-one asked you..." he smirked.

Hubris simply scowled.

Alec thought for a moment, while the rest of the Knights eyed Hubris and Onyx to make sure they didn't start trying to strangle each other, as it appeared that feelings had been building for the duration of their plan for the Tidesinger. He studied the buildings that littered Hailstone and realised that they all had balconies and thick walls lining the sides.

"Who's good at climbing?" he asked, and all of the Knights turned to him, confusion washing over their faces as they desperately tried to decrypt the strange question just posed to them.

"Ria and I got pretty good at it when we used to try and hide from Osivian, but I'm not sure about the height of those buildings..." Senn looked to the stony towers that rose from the icy plains before them and saw the flags flowing in the breeze.

He gulped and Ria place her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. She was the only person who could calm Senn into thinking rationally – to exhaust his fears into nothing. All he needed was her by his side and the world would be right again.

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