Chapter 25: Can I Bring You Back?

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The second team of Knights has assembled at Gale Point to speak with the Glacians about the Aggressium Prime Song and just when they begin to think that their job was easy, they are met with a wall of force that pushes them back against the Voltaris in a way they never imagined - one not so repairable

Author's note: the art for this chapter was done by NobodyMining on Discord. if you see them about, do be sure to tell them how awesome it is! I am so thankful to everyone that has helped with the chapter illustrations in this fic. I had no idea the task I was taking on by saying to my co-writers that I would draw a scene for each chapter (i.e: I'm an ambitious idiot) XD

also, from here on out, the chapters are about to get long and hectic, so here goes nothing XD

(does anyone actually still enjoy reading this?)


Senn held the Aggressium Prime Song in the palm of his hand, consumed by the twisted tune that it hummed in his ears and corrupted his very will as he stood before the Glacian who had given it to him. He couldn't hear anything – not Ria as she pleaded to him to let it go, not the wind howling across the windows of the hovel and not Grek as he moaned uncomfortably, barely squeezing into the small space they sat in. He could hear only the siren as it swept through his mind, cutting his thoughts off and blocking out any outside interference. He recognised this feeling from when Thalleous had held the Mobillium Prime in front of him. He had no contact with that Prime Song, yet he knew its strength from the way that Thalleous' voice lulled into a distant drone where he could make out only the sound, but no words and no tone. The intrusion of the Prime Song had stolen his attention and his thoughts, just as this one did.

The worst part was that Senn hadn't even realised that he was overcome by the corruption of the Aggressium Prime until Ria was forced to snatch it out of his hand and pocket it before she had the chance to succumb to its tune as well.

"We have to be careful, now," she began, quietly. "We are in possession of the one Prime the Deathsinger never acquired during the first Great War – the most powerful Prime. We must protect this with our lives. Tygren cannot get his hands on it, or we'll be waving the white flag before the battle can even begin."

Senn shook the remnant of corruption from his head as Ria looked to him with concern, holding his arm tightly. She was never on board with the idea to split the teams how they were. She fought with herself over it for days because she wanted Senn to go to Felden with Ingressus and Hubris, where she thought him to be safer; but on the other hand, she wanted him there with her so that she could protect him with everything she could give. When it came to making the final decision, she wasn't given much choice.

She, Grek, Grim and Senn went to Gale Point to retrieve the Aggressium Prime Song from the Glacians as Ingressus had mentioned. He had explained a bit about the note that he discovered addressed to Aegus Nestoris, written by Achillean, that spoke of the agreement between him and Thalleous that the Glacians were their best asset. It seemed the most logical that Thalleous had hidden the Prime with them, rather than attempt to find a new safe spot – especially as he had long believed Achillean to have died in the war, therefore making him the only other person to know of this plan.

Of course, that was before Ingressus had found the letter, and before Tygren had stolen it again.

Their knowledge that Tygren had stolen the letter from Ingressus gave them the greatest advantage for it made it clear to them that Tygren did indeed know where the most powerful Prime Song was, and they were able to act on it. Speed was of the essence.

They got to the Glacians before the Voltaris did.

But only just, for as they left the hovel, they were met with a line of Voltaris stood before them in the snow. Their evil red shone brightest against the white and it made a few, look like many. The Knights shielded their eyes against the blizzard as it raged on, the line of Voltaris markings becoming a blurred wall signifying a battle they simply had to win if they were going to make it out at the end of it. The Knights drew their weapons as one Voltaris stepped forward, his markings yet unclear in their vision. They only knew one thing: it was not Tygren.

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