Chapter 28: But I Knew

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Hubris is forced to make a decision that even Ingressus wasn't expecting when news of the Northwind incident finally reaches Felden and Tygren makes his endgame known, spilling information that no-one knew he had, nor know how he gotAs the long-anticipated reckoning commences, Ingressus finds that he isn't just fighting Tygren for survival

Author's note: LET THE DRAMA COMMENCE! (I'm so excited) XD

as back in chapter 5, I will apologise for the way this chapter ends, but we all know it's just for show - I'm not sorry about any of it... yet... XD

also, thank you to Cloudless_Sky (aka ArtimisWarrior) for drawing the background for the chapter illustration - it was a massive help! (although I think Wattpad disagrees since it doesn't seem to want to upload, here. the illustration is in the server, or on the Ao3 version of the story in case it doesn't load, but I'll keep trying)


"Ingressus!" Kiyoshi burst into the Deathsinger's room, hopeful that he wasn't still out cold from the night before. He had gotten word of the Voltaris moving into Felden and heading towards Fort Zuka with haste and they needed to act quickly if they were going to be ready for them. Ingressus stirred a little, but his movements were delirious and frustrated – as if being rudely woken up from a dream or a nightmare. He mumbled as he rolled over.

"Ingressus... Sir, we need you!" Kiyoshi didn't know what he could do to rise the Ardoni. He had never been in the presence of such a powerful being and he didn't know if there were any lines he shouldn't cross.

"Five more minutes." Ingressus' slurred words were barely audible as he curled up into a ball under the blanket.


Without warning, Ingressus shot up and looked around hazily, rapidly blinking until his sight adjusted and he spotted the Felina in the doorway. Even with his eyes open, he was still a little gone-out and confused.


"Uh... Do you want five more minutes?"

"I am fine," he dismissed, shaking his head, and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

Brushing the confusion from him as he questioned Ingressus' sanity, Kiyoshi continued to explain why he had woken the Voltaris Ardoni. On hearing of Tygren's hasty pace towards Fort Zuka, Ingressus shivered. He remembered Achillean's words from his nightmare.

"The Prime Songs, Ingressus... You must-"

Must what?

What must I do, Achillean?

He knew the time would come eventually. He couldn't run from Tygren forever and facing him head on was the only way he stood any chance of bringing this torment to an end – to gain revenge and retribution for everything. To gain...

Or to lose...

He tailed Kiyoshi out into the courtyard of the Fort to meet with the rest of the Knights, awaiting the return of the team from Northwind. The atmosphere was rough with each of the remaining Knights shuffling awkwardly on the spot, unsure of what to say or do. Even Hubris and Onyx were silent in each other's presence, which was strange, even to Ingressus.

The sunlight beat down on them all, slipping through the gaps in the trees and there wasn't a hint of wind in the air – the bushes and leaves were still as stone, the only thing disturbing them was the occasional cat as they leapt through the flora, attacking butterflies and birds. Ingressus looked down and saw that the yellow-eyed cat with the same markings as the Tidesinger had sat beside his ankles. At first, he gawked at it, surprised that it insisted on sitting by him all the time, but then he relaxed and accepted that this cat had gotten attached to the labelled 'monster.' This was not the feeling he expected to hold this close to war and everything seemed unnervingly calm – just like the night that Achillean was killed. He leant down and ran his fingers around its ears and felt it purr against his leg as it rubbed its head over his markings.

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