Parents evening pt 2

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First of all ty for 28k and second of all, sorry it took so long to update. I had exams to revise for and actually do. And I was also pretty busy so sorry.

Miya's POV
I went back to where Cherry was, Joe was with my PE teacher having a conversation. He was on a phone call in the corner of the room. I waited for him to finish before walking to him.
"Hey Cherry."
"Don't call me that and hi Miya."
"Then what should I call you-"
"Miya! Is that your mum?" A person from my class interrupted me and came over to where me and Cherry were.
"No this is my dad."
"Then who was the person that you were with earlier?"
"My other dad."
"Of course the freak has two dads." Someone else said, overhearing our conversation. 'Freak', it's not something I haven't been called before but that doesn't make it less painful. I if people thought I had two dads they'd make fun of me, but it doesn't matter. If they decide to be homophobic that's not my fault.
"What's wrong with having two dads?" Cherry asked, "Is it because you think it's not normal?"
"Yes of course it's not normal! How can someone have two dads?"
"Why is it not normal?"
"Because you can only have a mum and a dad."
"Why? Why can you only have a mum and a dad?"
"Because-" The person stopped half way. It was obvious that they were having a hard time coming up with a answer to Cherry's question and it was obvious that Cherry was purposefully giving them a hard time.
"That's what I thought. If your going to be homophobic then at least have a proper justification for your homophobia. Don't just say random stuff for no reason at all. No leave." The person ran away. I forgot how scary Cherry could be and almost got scared myself. But I was grateful for it. It was nice, the feeling of being cared for. I can't remember when my actual parents have ever done something like this for me. Because they haven't. They've never paid enough attention to be able to do so.
"Are you okay Miya?"
"Huh? Yeah I am. Thanks for that."
You're welcome. Do they do that often?"
"Tell me or Joe next time. Okay?"
"I will" I said with a smile.
"What are you guys taking about?" Joe asked coming toward us.
"Nothing important."
"Oh come on Kaoru! Please tell me!"
"Like I said, nothing important. Now where were you?"
"With Miya's PE teacher. He's really athletic you know!" Cherry's really good at changing the topic. He made Joe forget about our conversation with one sentence!

Cherry's POV
We left the school building. It was pretty easy to understand why Miya acts the way he does from what happened today. I think most people don't understand that although certain people are talented they're still people. They still get stressed out, they still get upset, they still feel emotions. But people are still people, a bit of talent doesn't change that, and with Miya's case it's clear that not everyone can understand that. Which is why he needs people to rely on.

Kojiro dropped Miya off to his house,
"Thanks again for today you two." He said before entering his house.
"You're welcome Miya. You can ask us if you need us to do anything like this again." Kojiro replied before driving me to my house. "Can I stay over?" He asked when he stopped in front of my house.
"Your not going to take no for an answer, are you?"
"Nope!" He said with a wide grin.
"Then what was the point in asking?"
"To annoy you."
"Your so infuriating sometimes you know that?"
"And you love me for it."
"Unfortunately." He chuckled and gave me a small kiss on the lips, let's go inside then.

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