Yall better buckle up for this one...

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My life is a fucking roller coaster 😅. I lost one of my uncles in September of 2018. March of 2019 I lost my other uncle. April of 2019 I lost my great grandmother. August 2019 my dad was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive colon cancer. March 2020 I lost a close friend. August 2020 I lost my dad. November I lost 2 of my great uncles. So far since then, I haven't lost anyone else but I'm just waiting for the next one to drop at this point.

All of this has taught me that I need to live every day as if I wasn't waking up the next. And it's made me grown up a ton. I'm a completely different person. I'm single, moved out and living my best life trying to be my best self. I still get down but I accept those moment and run with them. I let myself have moments. Because everyone has moments. I don't let it consume my whole day unless it's really bad.

So, my life is insane. But I'm doing me. Loving me. Being me. I'm loving myself in every moment even when I think I don't deserve it. I always deserve love from myself. It's the one way that will make everything okay. Loving myself has done so much for me.

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