I'm sorry

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I'm sorry. I'm just sorry. I'm never good enough for some people. But I can't change that. I was made this way because that how God wanted me. I'm sorry that I can't be little miss perfect. But you know what I can be? Loyal, kind, carring, loving, affectionate, I can be all those things. I'm sorry that I will annoy you sometimes, and I'm sorry that I can get a little clingy. But that's how I am. I've been down the road where you try to be perfect for them. You end up falling harder for them then they do for you. It sucks. I know. I've been through it. But I've learned that there are people that love and care about you. They don't like seeing you hurt. They tell you you're perfect to them. Maybe start listening to them. It might just change your life around.

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