Chapter 1

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Ok I've woken up in some black abyss on a chair with one opposite me.

Y/N: what the fuck is going on? where am I?

Looking around I don't see anything till I see a cute looking girl with purple eyes and silver hair with a violet tint to it.

Looking around I don't see anything till I see a cute looking girl with purple eyes and silver hair with a violet tint to it

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Eris: Y/N L/N unfortunately you have died, I'm sorry...

Y/N: guess the dark abyss makes sense, so beautiful who are you *smirking*

Eris: *red tint on cheeks* I'm goddess Eris, I currently guide the young souls who have passed away

Y/N: ahh so when am I going to hell

Eris: *waving hands in front of her* your not going to hell but there's currently three choices the gods are giving you, the first is to go to heaven.

Y/N: pass

Eris: fair enough the second choice is to be reborn as a baby with no memories of your pervious life

Y/N: pass sounds like when you forget to save your game and it crashes an you have to start all over again, fuck that.

Eris: hmm so you like games?

Y/N: don't forget anime.

Eris: *smiles* you will like the third choice, it's like an mmorpg.

Y/N: sold

Eris: I didn't finish, there currently a devil King terrorising the world, you need to defeat him and bring peace to the world.

Y/N: Ok mmorpg, devil bitch fucking shit up, need to beat his ass, peace to the world, then what?

Eris: well if you defeat the devil King you'll get any wish you want that's within our power, sounds fun right. *smiles with finger on cheek*

Y/N: sounds cool and all but what about the language and won't I die immediately if its as dangerous as its sounding.

Eris: oh the language is no problem we'll insert the information into your head but your head may go poof.

Y/N: so like a hangover Monday morning got it, now what about the dying immediately part.

Eris: you get to choice one thing to take with you be it a weapon, ability or so forth you can pick anything as long its not to powerful where you could become the next devil King

'Oh you shouldn't of said that sweetheart'

Y/N: can I have the powers an abilities of a anime character called kurumi tokisaki from date a live

Eris: the girl who's a spirit and controls time and darkness I don't see a problem with that

I feel information of the abilities and my body glows after the light dies down and I see Eris blushing

(Discontinued) Konosuba x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now