Chapter 10

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Next day
Parties mansion
Roses POV:

I was sat on one of the chairs by the fire as I was trying to keep warm with a blanket wrapped round me and a cup of tea. As I was sat there I heard a bang 'someone's probably fallen out of bed'

???: fuck!

'And of course it was y/n' I hear something smash and sigh as y/n comes down the stairs holding his head

Rose: your finally awake

Y/N: was I caught trying to cross the border

We both laugh and y/n sits down

Rose: how you feeling

Y/N: like I've been hit by a truck, what time is it

Rose: I'd say about midday, kazuma and everyone else went to the guild to find a quest

Y/N: quest in the cold yeeee no

Rose: also what did you break

Y/N: probably a vase or Aquas alcohol bottles either way I don't care, I need bacon and soda

Rose: why

Y/N: that's my hangover cure (literally is how I deal with hangovers)

Rose: I'll make you something to eat just sit down

I stand up and go to the kitchen to me some food, after about 20 minutes or so I come back with cup of tea, pancakes and a few slices of bacon

I stand up and go to the kitchen to me some food, after about 20 minutes or so I come back with cup of tea, pancakes and a few slices of bacon

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Rose: here sorry there's no soda

Y/N smiles: your a blessing sis thanks this should help a little

I sit as y/n eats his food with a smile on his face

Y/N: just how you used to make em back home nice and fluffy but not to fluffy and the bacon crispy

Rose: so what are plans today if Kazuma doesn't come back with a quest

Y/N: fire warmth

I roll my eyes

Y/N: what's that in your mouth

Rose: lollipop why

Y/N: give

Rose frowns: no mine

Y/N: give me the fucking lollipop

Y/N: give me the fucking lollipop

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(Discontinued) Konosuba x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now