Chapter 7.5 - short

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Black abyss
Eris POV:

Well I sat in my chair waiting for my next soul to come, I was tapping away on the handle of the chair till I notice a girl but she looks like someone familiar I shake it off and stand up

Eris: hello, I am Eris goddess of fortune, unfortunately you have died I am sorry

Eris: hello, I am Eris goddess of fortune, unfortunately you have died I am sorry

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???: how'd I die

Eris: when you were pulling money out of a cash machine you were mugged and shot

???: shit, what happened to the guy and my parents

Eris: the police arrested the man after finding the gun and your bankcard and money, also your body was found by an elderly lady who tried her best to stop the bleeding while the paramedics came for you but unfortunately you died of blood loss, as for your parents were upset with you passing and thanked the elderly lady for trying her best to save you

??? Puts her head down

???: so what happens now do I go to heaven or hell

Eris: no no your not going to hell, I'm gonna give you 3 options but first what's your name

Rose: Rose L/N

Eris eyes widen: are you by chance related to Y/N L/N

Rose jumps from chair and grabs my shoulders causing me to yelp

Rose: you know my brother!

Eris: yes? Please let go your hurting my shoulders

Rose let's go of me and sits back down and I sigh

Eris: now back to the 3 options fir...

Rose: which did my brother pick!

Eris: the last option but you haven't heard what I was gonna say

Rose: don't care I chose 3 now what do we do?

Eris: fair enough, the world is currently under threat of the devil king and magic

Rose: so its like an rpg of course that nerd picked that but he was always crazy at times

Eris: can say that again

We both giggle

Rose: so anything else I should know

Eris: yes you get to pick any item, ability or anything along those lines

Rose: I want the powers of Kotori Itsuka from date a live just don't make it where I turn bloodthirsty and loose all sense of control

Eris: that's kinda funny since Y/N the powers of kurumi tokisaki

Rose: oh no

Eris: your wise is granted is there anything else

Rose: can you put me close by to my brother

Eris: you sure that's a good idea

Rose narrows her eyes at me causing me to pale

Rose: what do you mean by that

Eris: he's about to fight a genral of the devil Kings army

Rose sighs: of course he is, anyway let's go

Rose POV:

'I can finally see my big brother again' I thought happily to myself as this goddess forms a ring of light around me as I start to float

Eris: good luck hero and good luck with Y/N

Rose: what you mean

'Why the fuck she giggling the fuck has that big dummy been doing' as I thought that I had to close my eyes and cover them with my arms after a minute or two, I open my eyes and see I'm on some sort of field near the tree, as I'm looking I notice a blue haired girl being chase by a bunch of skeletons 'poor girl'

???: temper~ temper~ now how about with play a game~

'I know that voice it can't be' I look over and see a guy with black clothing that has red glowing parts

'I know that voice it can't be' I look over and see a guy with black clothing that has red glowing parts

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He has black hair, one red eye and one yellow? Wait that's a clock I smirk oh course its Y/N

Y/N: whoever dies first loses~

(Gonna do the bio for Rose next)

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