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Oh how deepening are words
Unheard of
Wrapped and secured
Tied with a loose ribbon
In hope
Someone will ask the Unheard

But who shall care?
To find this box there
Behind the thrashed corridor

Somewhere curdled under the bed

But who shall care?
To ask
Or reprimand
The hair tucked in the box
All with lockes
Of a fiery dare

But who shall care?
When the midnight preaches
When the stars dance and glow

Under the the hopeless doe

Oh but who sees the broken heart
Stripped and oozing blood

Oh but who sees the words under the shadows
Blanketed, roped in and pushed into the walls

All these yells, all these shouts

Pierce home after home
Can there be silence
For the Unheard

Can she find a place where there's no noise yet a voice
Of peace and love and life?

- e . a

Written in Stone | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now