𝓢𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓕𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓮𝓻

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A secret.

Nageen had a secret she was both affectionate and proud of.

A mossy tavern of which she only knew, was hers.

A series of tablets hidden under the crooked, large branch of the grandfather tree stood with mystic fairies fluttering around. Their lights grew wild and bright and Nageen felt like this was her secret.

Little did she know, that there was a stooped, old man having watched her from afar for days- having seen and observed her curios presence, bubbly skips around the pond, and fluttering wishes that came from her heart. He watched her read, write, ponder and grow further in gaining knowledge.

Furthermore, he saw her when she knew not.

And thus, Nageen held onto this secret thinking it her own-

When the old man had found it before even she did.

She sat by another tablet and picked out on a dagger. Cutting the moss off of the stone, the lines she read were deep but clear.

A silent fighter hid beneath the bushes-
Daring not breathe heavily for fear of giving away his life

The cold sweat of dread rolled down
Weighing with knowledge

That beyond him was the tyrant's troop

Nothing seemed to scare him
Except for the worry of being alone-

Alone in life

Alone on the battlefield

Alone in the grave

The silent fighter lifted his eyes
To the night weary sky

The stars glinted,
Sparkled and swooshed

The Rabb who kept the stars in the sky
He will take him back

Above those stars in the sky
To the heavens, so high

The silent fighter felt his eyes droop softly
For it is when you feel like in pieces
Can you truly feel at peace

Shoot the guns,
Drop the bombs,
Drive out the tanks-
if you must

You are human
I'm a human

We're both made
Of worthless dust

But my Rabb loves me
And He is inviting me to His Jannah

Do you think you're taking over land?

Why, you are giving me a delightful hand
A ticket to my Rabb
This way or the other

Know this, my enemy
That one day you have to return to my Rabb, too

Therefore do not claim my name under your killings
For you will be questioned

By the Rabb of the Universe

- e . a

Dedicated to all those silent fighters who have faith as strong as steel 💪
As the Ummah, we must learn from our brave brothers and sisters. 💫 May Allah create ease for us in this world and unite us all in Jannat ul Firdaus.

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