Chapter Eleven: Filibuster

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"Peeves!" Delphine shouts, a giggle escaping her lips.

"Cut it out, Peeves!" Exclaims Ron, jumping up to try, to no avail, to snatch the book back from the poltergeist, who just swoops higher in the air.

"A rather nasty fellow," Hermione says, crossing her arms. 

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Delphine were trying to get to the Great Hall for dinner. They had spent the Sunday afternoon chatting in the Gryffindor common room. Delphine was delighted that they had invited her to the tower after studying in the library like usual. Well, Ron didn't do much studying and she knew that because he kept complaining to Delphine about the upcoming Potions essay. She promised she would help him so that he would shut up. Not that she minded too much anyway, she would be done with hers quickly. 

They all stood on the staircases which always seemed to rumble and move, thankfully this one hadn't yet. 

Peeves, the poltergeist who Delphine had already seen causing uproar, had snatched the book out of her hand and sent her hair flying as if a gust of wind had caught it. 

Straightening out her hair, she scolded the poltergeist. However, she couldn't find it in her to really be angry. If anything he was just lightening her mood. She was done being angry once the weekend really started, spending most of her time with her new friends.

"Oh, I'm just welcoming the new student!" He says with a spin in the air. Suddenly, he drops the book and it lands splat on Delphine's head. 

She yelps in pain from the hard cover and doesn't have time to catch the book as it topples over the edge of the railing. 

Hastily reaching over, Harry grabs the book before it falls too far. 

"Here," Harry says, handing the book back to Delphine.

"Thank you!" She says, taking the book. "I own you one."

The staircase rumbles and shift. Delphine clutches the railing, she is still not used to these magical stairs. Once it stops, the four bound down them.

"Delphine," Hermione calls, coming up beside her. "What did you get on Binns' pop quiz?"

"100, you?" 


"Merlin, I've got to do better."

Harry and Ron share a look before giggling to themselves. Two genius friends is scarier then one, but at least Hermione can talk to someone about studies who actually shares her interest in them. 


Nott pats the bench beside him at the Slytherin table and flashes Delphine his charming smile, as he has done at every meal time for the couple weeks that have past. She returns his smile and takes the seat next to him, like always.

Malfoy sits a few seats down and Delphine purposefully ignores him. No point in letting him ruin her friendship with the other Slytherins, who have been kind to her, although still teasing. However, Pansy is still nasty, and Malfoy keeps giving Delphine glares, but she can't depict what the source of that really is. 

Life at Hogwarts seems to be going smoothly now, though. Harry, Hermione, and Ron are great company, actually proving to be good friends. They make her laugh and time seems to fly by when she's with them. She plays wizards chess with Ron, who nearly always beats her, eagerly listens to tales of Quidditch told by Harry, and exchanges papers to edit with Hermione. 

Back in the Slytherin common room, Firewhiskey and drinking games become regular weekend fun, sometimes even slipping into the weekdays. One Friday night, Nott took Delphine's shoulders and started shaking her telling her over and over again to call with Theo until Delphine was dizzy and laughing so hard she could barely breathe. Even with experience with drinking at Beauxbatons, Delphine was still a lightweight. Blaise usually taking the job of carrying her off to her dormitory and plopping her on her bed. Malfoy was always off on prefect business, not the Delphine always searched for his platinum head among the couches as she walked into the dimly lit common room each night. It was to see if she had to turn around and go back out, not that she looked in the first place.

Delphine fills her dinner plate with food from the table, chatting casually with the Slytherin boys about homework and their quidditch practice; they had already begun preparing for their first match which was in November. They even tried to talk Delphine into joining the team, but she convinced them that they did not want her on the team. She would make a fool of herself. 

"We have to beat Gryffindor though," Blaise explains.

"Yeah, and you can do that all by your big selfs," Delphine says, grabbing a bread roll from the center of the table.

"You are no fun, Del," Theo complains, but Delphine just shrugs.

"At least we have Draco to combat Harry," Blaise says, throwing his arm around Malfoy, who smirks but rolls his eyes. 

His eyes meet Delphine's and she flinches and looks away, towards the Gryffindor table. 

"Yes, well, Harry has told me all about quidditch," she says, casually. "He's mighty good," she softly jabs, hoping it upsets Malfoy, even just a little.

When she looks back she catches Malfoy's piercing gray eyes. It seems it did upset him. 

"You're still buddy-buddy with him?" Blaise asks, quickly drawing her eyes away from Malfoy's.

"Yes, of course I am. You got problem with that?" She glares.

Blaise narrows his eyebrows at her and Delphine stares daggers back. Suddenly the table around them quiet. 

"Sure, I do," Blaise shrugs, "But it's not like you would listen to me anyway."

"You're right about that." Delphine smirks at him. "Say all you want about me being friends with the little Golden Trio but I'm not taking your advice." And she turns back to the food on her plate, leaving their conversation there. 

"You wanna steal chocolate frogs from first years after this?" Nott leans over to whisper in Delphine's ear. She chuckles and mutters,

"Of course I do."


Delphine's back presses against the cold stone of the dungeon hallway. She leans casually, drumming her fingers against the rough texture and listening to Theo go on about some sixth year girl.

"Oh, look, here one comes," He suddenly says and Delphine picks her head up from the wall.  

From down the hall, she spots a lone, young-looking Slytherin boy walking towards them and she smirks. 

She rests her head back against the wall and waits, and once the kid is close, she hears and shuffle and thud of Theo tripping him with a jinx.

Giggling, she kicks off the wall and joins Theo as he rummages the pockets of the boy. The kid struggles to get up, so Delphine places a foot on his upper back, keeping him down; digging her heel into him slightly, she fakes a pout.

"Ah, just Filibuster Fireworks," Theo complains and Delphine scoffs,

"What are we? The Weasley twins?" To which Theo chuckles and motions for them to go. 

So Delphine pushes the Slytherin kid with her foot, muttering a 'sorry' through a smile, and the two fifth years race down the hallway. 

Felling the air pass her face and flow through her hair, Delphine feels a rush of adrenaline. 

Theo and Delphine gifted the fireworks to Peeves, who set them ablaze the next morning during breakfast, earning a scolding from McGonagall while Theo and Delphine were trying to stifle their uncontrollable laughter.

Theo and Delphine gifted the fireworks to Peeves, who set them ablaze the next morning during breakfast, earning a scolding from McGonagall while Theo and Delphine were trying to stifle their uncontrollable laughter

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