Wake Me Up Inside

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      I groaned as I finally came to in a white room. "Hello?" I asked seeing if there were someone to help. There was no door so how on earth did I get in here? "Hello? Sombody?" I asked again. There was no one. I was alone, scared and confused. "Scarlet..." a voice whispered from where causing me to look around frantically. "Scarlett..." Another voice whispered then laughed maniacally. I hissed out of fear as I spun around waiting for someone to pop out. "Who's there! Stop fucking with me!" I screamed. I never swore in my entire history of life. "Aww Scarlet, swearing so soon?" Yet another voiced asked. At that moment I saw 4 bodys form until it turned to 4 beautiful young women. "No one is quote: fucking with you, your in a coma." Laughed a evil one with a raspy voice. I began breathing fast. "Calm down, I am never to hurt the innocent." Another with a sweet smooth voice. She came close to me and placed her hand out as if she wanted me to take hold of it. I held it and we seemed to have blasted throungh a tunnel quickly. "Sweety, there are four of us therefor, we ae going to send you through four scenerio's where as you shall prove that thy is worthy of awakening from this coma. You have but four re-tries. One for each, also four hints. Let's begin with the pain.

I awoken in another room where I saw Toryan sitting on a couch. "Toryan!" I said as I ran towards him. I stopped just as another girl sat next to him and they kissed. "Ahh!" My chest hurt and it felt like someone was squeezing my heart. "Hint!" I screamed. One of the sorceresses appeared and lifted her arms. "Your hint is 'As one gets to me, my heart will be squeezed until to a pulp. It hurts to see one you love with another? How about using a field around your heart." And with that, she faded away. A sheild around my heart? What did that mean? I wondered around looking for somthing that could help me when I hit my foot on somthing hard. "Aaaaah! Oww!" I grabbed my foot and rubbed it while jumping around. When it had stopped, I looked at the ground at something hidden under the floor boards. With that yanked them up and saw a heart shaped sheild. "A heart shaped sheild? Oh! somthing to sheild my heart!" I said. I picked it up and put it in front of me then began walking towards the kissing couple. I pushed as the pressure got harder but I was determined to break them apart. I grunted as I pushed the cover and they turned to nothing but dust. At that moment I laughed in relief but then dropped to the floor, out cold.

I awoken once again in a crowd of people with Jannah standing over me. "Get up bitch! Hit me!" She yelled taunting towards me. I stood up and screamed "Hint!" and a sorceress appared. "God! Hint hint hint with you." She snapped then flipped her hair. "In this scenerio yoou'll find, one lesson that's one of a kind. In this one its about your temper you must learn to control your anger, peace!" and she poofed away. I rolled my eyes as I stood up and looked at Jannah. "Actually I prefer to walk away." I said trying not to attack her. I waked away and breathed deeply as Jannah turned to dust really quickly. I laughed maniacally as her specks fell to the ground. "Woah! Dude I'm freaking nuts!" I dusted my shirt and once again dropped to the ground moving to the next scenerio.

Flashing open my eyes, I realized I was on my bed. "Shhh... lay back down Scarlet, you're running a fever." My mom said walking in with a bowl of ice water. She seemed to trip over thin air, throwing the water all over me and my bed. "Im soo sorry! Let me help." My mom pleaded as she patted me down with a towel. "Seriously mom? It's okay." I said wiggling to get her off of me. Just then she threw the rest of the ice water on me. "AAAAAAH!" I screamed as I shivered and hopped up. "Mom, that water is freezing!" My mom cupped her hand over her mouth and breathed deeply while giggling. For a second, I looked at her strangly then began to laugh along with her. "You look like a wet merecat." My mom exclaimed as I laughed along with her. "I smell like one too!"I chuckled. My mother wrapped her arms around me and laughed loudly. At that moment Victoria burst in my room. "Grrr ! You! You're the one stirring up problems with the monsters, you arrogant bitch!" She threw a stuffed animal from my dresser at me. "Woah what?" I asked standing up and walking to her. "Toryan said you told him it was you!!! How could you? Then you lied to my face saying you didn't know!!!" She started turning red. "I didn't do it! We know who did already, Victoria. Besides, theres no way I could have done it because every time I leave my house Im with you!" I said getting closer. She had thought for a second then looked at me. "Oooooh..... I'm sorry! II'm so sorry! I-I have to go." She turned and sped out of my house. "Err.. Umm...I'm going to get out of your hair, I see you have some things to take care of." My mom said as she picked up my dirty clothes basket from my closet and left. I lifted my eyebrow knowing somthing isnt right. Oh! I know what it is! The reason my mom dropped water on me, the reason Victoria was blaming things on me, I'm still in a scenerio, but, what do I have to do? I looked around and remembered that I have a hint left. "Hint please !!" I said and another sorceress appeared carrying to barbels. "This last scenerio is about strength, I can go up to 120 lbs. How much can you take?" She said then vanished into thin air. I lifted my eyebrow. "Strength?" I looked around and started lifting stuff up to show that I am strong enough to lift. I stopped in mid-picking up and thought. "I got it! The spilling of the water and the snapping on me! That's what all of this is about, they want to know how much pressure is too much pressure on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2013 ⏰

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