Pop the Cherry

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"I brought snacks." Sam held up two canvas shopping bags. "And some Gatorade. Dehydration is a bitch."

Bucky stood aside and let him into the apartment. It was small but tidy, which suited a man with not many worldly possessions. Sam spotted a familiar afghan flung over the back of the couch. It was a housewarming gift from him and Sarah. The blanket had been in the family for years. He told Bucky that the thing was just taking up space in the house and they were either going to give it away or sell it for a few bucks at a yard sale. Despite his bullshitting, Bucky had gotten the meaning.

He was family now.

Which gave Same all the more reason to claim him as his own.

He set the bags on the kitchen table. "How do you feel?"

The Omega barely made eye contact. He kept his distance and his head down. As though he couldn't handle looking at Sam, or even being within arm's reach. "A little bit better, thanks to... before." He waved his hand in a vague gesture, indicating the bit of phone sex Sam had provided him about an hour ago. He stole a quick glance at the Alpha. "It's like the more I try to fight it, the faster it takes hold. I can feel myself slipping. Even now." He took a deep breath. His nostrils flared. "Especially now."

Beneath the soap and deodorant, the Alpha's scent was as strong as ever. He had worked up a bit of a sweat on his grocery run. Plus, Louisiana in June was far from chilly. With the humidity in the low seventies, Sam's scent hung in the air like vapor.

Bucky's own personal aroma lingered all around them. Spicy and sweet. Reminding Sam of ginger snaps. His Heat enhanced his natural fragrance, intensifying it into an enticing musk that went straight to the Alpha's head.

And his dick.

"Then don't fight it," said Sam. He cautiously approached the Omega. Bucky had some baggage when it came to being stripped of his autonomy. Not being able to trust his own mind was a nightmare. One from which he had barely escaped. "No matter what happens, you're still gonna be you. It's not something else or somebody else. You're still running the show. So just... Let it go."

Bucky tried scowling but his lips wouldn't cooperate. The corners of his mouth twitched as he suppressed the smile that attempted to show through. "You start singing and I'm fucking the first Alpha I find on the street."

Over Sam's dead body.

"How about you show me that nest?"

The Omega finally made eye contact and held it. His breathing deepened. A blush swept across his cheeks and crept up to the tips of his ears. Showing Sam the nest meant that they were actually doing this. It was one thing to talk about - or even fantasize about - taking the Alpha's knot. Having Sam in his nest made it all real.

Sam was going to fuck him. No two ways about it. He was going to climb on top of Bucky and do what Alphas had done for centuries. Despite Sam's best intentions, their initial mating would not be gentle. It was during the first mounting that the Alpha displayed their dominance. Sam's instincts would have him take Bucky so hard. No restraint. No mercy shown.

As an Omega, Bucky had to know this? While Sam had no idea what sex ed had been like back before movies had color, he couldn't imagine the topic of mating being bandied about behind closed doors. Did he have any idea what it all would be like? To be absolutely wrecked and begging for more?

Bucky wetted his lips in... apprehension? Anticipation? Sam wasn't quite sure.

"It's, umm... It's this way."

He led the way to the bedroom. Sam walked close behind. Bucky waved his arms towards the bed like it was the grand prize on The Price is Right.

The two of them had picked out that bed together. Which was hilarious in hindsight. Sam knew that, if it were left up to Bucky, he would keep sleeping on an air mattress. The dude hadn't known a moment's peace until he got to Wakanda. And even still he seldom let himself indulge in the luxury of comfort. It had taken a bit of convincing on Sam's part for the stubborn son of a bitch to realize that he did, indeed, deserve nice things.

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