Face Down, Ass Up

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Once his knot receded and his Omega welcomed the sweet embrace of unconsciousness, Sam slipped out of the nest. He retrieved a necessary item from his duffel bag.

A butt plug. All the better to secure his load inside his mate.

It went in easily. Bucky barely stirred. Once his Heat was over, Sam planned on ordering one of those specialty plugs with the fake wolf tail attached. Because what was life without a little whimsy?

The plug fit snuggly. Keeping his Omega nice and full with his cum. The first load of many. It hadn't just the Heat lust talking when Sam had said he wanted to put a baby in Bucky. He gingerly pressed his fingers to his own neck. His mating gland throbbed dully from where Bucky had sunk his teeth in. The pain was not wholly unpleasant. It reminded Sam that he and his Omega were joined. Before long, the bite would heal into a scar for all the world to see. And Sam would carry it for as long as his Omega lived.

Which had better be a long fucking time. The universe owed Sam at least that much.

With a clear head, Sam assessed the situation. He figured he had about thirty to forty minutes of down time before Bucky's Heat had him aching again. He spotted a mini fridge in the corner of the bedroom. Upon closer inspection, he found it already had a couple bottles of water chilling inside. Good planning by his Omega. Sam's chest puffed out with pride. Along with the water, he would add two bottles of Gatorade. The orange flavor that Bucky preferred. It was a good start.

Up next: a survey of the kitchen.

About a dozen cans of soup in the cupboard. A few different kinds. It looked like Bucky liked to keep his options open, though he seemed to lean more towards the chicken noodle variety. In the fridge Sam found some andouille sausage along with a few packages of pre-cut cheese. Sharp white cheddar and Colby. Those would go great with the crackers Sam had brought. A nice little snack for his Omega. Sam had also picked up some of those smokehouse almonds Bucky said he liked. He tried to keep a mental list of his mate's preferences. Fully in Heat, Bucky would be spending most of his time sleeping and fucking. It was the Alpha's duty to provide sustenance. Sam planned on keeping his Omega's belly, as well as his ass, full.

He grabbed a pack of cheese and placed it in the mini fridge. Within arm's reach of the nest Sam distributed a few shelf stable stacks for the two of them to munch on. Nuts. Crackers. Sam's favorite brand of protein bars. He put a bottle of water on the nightstand beside the bed as well as a book to help pass the time for when he wasn't busy fucking Bucky's brains out. Sam stood beside the nest. It had gotten a little bit rumpled due to their enthusiastic activity, but it was none the worse for wear. Plus, it was starting to smell like the both of them. This pleased the Alpha greatly.

In his absence, Bucky had curled up in the spot of the nest that Sam had left behind. His face pressed into the pillow that he had covered with one of Sam's shirts. An opportunity presented itself and Sam simply could not let it go to waste. His cell phone in hand, he snapped a few pictures of his gorgeous Omega. Naked in their nest. His ass plugged and sleeping so peacefully. How could Sam not want to preserve this moment? Though these photographs were for his eyes only.

He staked out a new spot back in the nest and tried making himself comfortable. The first thing he did was turn Fred the Octopus towards the wall. It was creepy having a stuffed animal eying him while he was balls deep in his mate's ass. Satisfied, Sam closed his eyes. He couldn't fall asleep but he enjoyed the brief respite before his Omega inevitably stirred, seeking him out. Sam let himself relax, surrounded by their combined scents.

Thirty-two minutes.

That was how long Bucky had managed to stay down before his internal ache flared back to life. This would be the cycle for the next four to five days. Sam suspected that, since it had been decades since Bucky had last gone through this, it might be rougher going than usual for his Omega. All that pent up energy practically bursting at the seams. Sam would have to rely on his Alpha stamina more than ever.

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