Love Me Tender

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And so it went. The cycle continued. Bucky woke up, horny and burning. He wore himself out on Sam's disco stick. He went back to sleep. Somewhere in between, the Alpha made sure his Omega was watered and fed. He cradled Bucky against him as he held a bottle to his lips. Sam hand fed his mate cheese and crackers. He even tried to clean Bucky up a little with a damp washcloth. The Omega kicked up a fuss, complaining that Sam was washing away their scent. To which Sam reminded him that there was a difference between an aromatic musk and smelling like the bottom of a gym bag.

As one day passed into the next, and then into the next, the interim between frenzied mating grew longer. It stretched from about forty-five minutes to almost an hour and a half. On a few occasions, Sam made it almost three hours before being accosted. Not that he really minded, but his dick was not battery operated. Bucky kept on fighting sleep. Whenever he managed to avoid unconsciousness, he would simply lie there, nestled amongst the pillows and blankets of the nest. Content and satiated for the time being. In those moments he was free of the ache and most like his normal self. Though he was known to whine whenever Sam stepped away from the nest. Even though he knew that the Alpha would return.

It got to the point that Sam had to give the Omega a mantra to recite every time he stepped out of Bucky's sight. Of course, the jerkface swore up and down that he didn't need some stupid saying to get him through only a few minutes of Sam's absence. In fact, he encouraged Sam to take his time. No need to rush back on Bucky's account.

So Sam took him at his word. On his next foray to the kitchen, to whip up a quick lunch of chicken noodle soup, Sam lingered a bit. He searched through the cabinets for a bowl big enough for them to share. It wasn't that he didn't trust Bucky to not spill soup all over himself or the nest. Sam liked feeding him. Plain and simple. He liked being needed. Especially by someone who, up until a few weeks ago, liked to act like he didn't need anybody. So the Alpha would happily hold his mate close while he spooned soup into that sassy mouth.

Upon his return, his ears must have been deceiving him. And his eyes as well.

"Sam will always find me. Sam will always come back. Sam will always find me. Sam will always come back." Bucky laid clutching that damn octopus to his chest, his eyes closed, chanting lowly. The words offered him a modicum of relief while Alpha was elsewhere.

Sam chose to keep the I told you so to himself. Though his self-satisfied smile surely spoke volumes. Carefully, he climbed back into the nest. He presented the bowl of soup to Bucky, who graciously allowed himself to be fed. Sam made sure his Omega ate more than half the bowl. His Heat had taken a lot out of Bucky. Even super soldiers needed to recharge. The Alpha praised every mouthful his mate got down. Of course, he got groused at the whole time. Bucky wasn't used to being coddled. Though he accepted the coddling from Sam nonetheless.

Once, at around three in the morning, when Bucky had yet again awoken seeking satisfaction, he apologized for dragging Sam into this. He knew Sam was busy. Sam was a good man. Always helping people. And yet Bucky was selfishly taking up his time. There was something about Bucky not thinking he was worth even a second of Sam's time that unlocked a protectiveness in the Alpha that had laid dormant. He silenced his Omega's mouth with a searing kiss. He pressed Bucky down into the bed and slid inside him. Sam sucked bruises onto his neck as he fucked into his mate. Showing Bucky just how incredibly worthy he truly was.

One of these days, that man would learn that he deserved nice things.

Like bubble baths, for instance.

Sam took it upon himself to bathe Bucky. He got grumbled at for that, too, but Sam refused to let a little disgruntlement deter him. Bucky didn't have any bubbles to add to the bath, but they made do without. The Alpha stood outside the tub as he cleansed his mate of three days and nights worth of coupling. Sweat and dried cum and God knew what all else. Sam made his Omega squeaky clean.

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